Part 4

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Kairi didn't really know what to say. He never really thought about being friends with Y/n in public and not hiding it. But it was definitely something that he could see in his future.

K- "I mean of course, one day. But right now I just don't feel like I can tell Mattia or Alejandro. Like what if they stop being friends with me and" Kairi started rambling on about all the different possibilities that could happen if they made they're friendship public.

Y/n- "Hey Kairi. Its ok , I get it. I don't think im ready to tell anyone either because I know Hector doesn't really like you and he wont take it well. I was thinking about it." Y/n said as she cut off Kairi from rambling.

K- "Im so glad I have you as a friend" Kairi said smiling through the phone at Y/n.

Y/n- "Aww im glad I have you as a friend too Kai. Anyway, im probably going to go to sleep even though its only 11" Y/n said whilst giggling.

K- "Ok ill see you tomorrow, sweet dreams. ly"

Y/n- "K night, lyt" Y/n said as she pressed the decline button. I know what you're thinking omg they exchanged ily's. But it was in a friendly way, they do it all the time. Y/n put her phone on charge and went into the bathroom. She had her second shower of the day just because she felt like it. While Y/n was in the shower she heard her phone ding. Y/n frowned at herself in the mirror. Y/n never usually gets any messages at this time unless its Kairi, Hector or Aliz and she knows it wasn't Kai because she just told him she was going to sleep. And Y/n knows it wasn't Aliz or Hector because they're having a sleepover that she rudely wasn't invited to because they needed to "talk" again. Y/n couldn't wait any longer to see who had texted her so she got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. She walked over to her phone seeing a notification that it was Lani who had texted her. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the name on the screen. Why would Lani be texting her right now? They haven't talked in a while since she's been distancing herself from the Hector and the girls. She took a deep breath and unlocked her phone from her finger print then pressing on the notification. When she opened the message she was shocked. Lani was supposed to be her best friend...... Someone who she could trust...... Now she knows why she's been distancing herself from the group. The message said....

"Hey loser, Im sorry but we can't be friends anymore Me and Mattia are dating and we don't want nerds like you, Aliz, Pule and Hector around us. To be honest I never really liked you guys anyway but I had to make do with what I had in the time being. Anyway that's it bye bitch." - Lani


{Word count: 499}

A/n: More characters will be coming soon also This is not hate towards lani! Lani is so sweet and i love her. Lots of big things are coming really soon. This is just one of them! Anyways have a good day/night! Thank you for reading <3

xoxo - you'll never know. ;) mwah.

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now