Part 47

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"Nothings wrong, but I need to ask you something" Kairi said smiling at her as they lay down side by side looking into each others eyes.

"What is it" Y/n said placing her hand into Kairis. Kairi took his hand out of Y/ns and sat up making her furrow her eye brows as she watched him put his hand in the back pocket of his jeans. He took out a small box and looked at Y/n, he took a deep breath. Y/n sat up still frowning.

"I know we're only young but, I really love you and one day I want to marry you. So instead of asking you to marry me im asking you to take this promise ring from me because I promise to love you endlessly every day of my life until I die. I love you so much." Kairi said looking down at the blanket. Y/ns eyes started filling with tears she didn't say anything for a few seconds because she was shocked.

"Of course, I love you too" Y/n said smiling at Kairi. Kairi put the promise ring on her finger before giving her a long kiss. She pulled away and laughed falling back and lieing back down making Kairi confused. He lay down next to her furrowing his eye brows.

"This is why you were nervous? I thought you were gonna leave me on our anniversary" Y/n said still chuckling.

"What? Are you insane?" Kairi said also laughing at this point.

"Only for you" Y/n said bursting into laughter.

"And you call me corny" Kairi said giggling. They spent a little bit longer at the beach and watched the sunset. Y/n posted this on her main.  


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liked by kairicosentino, nessabarrett and 83,735 others...

Y/n.Y/ln.xo no it's not an engagment ring, it's a promise ring :') @kairicosentino


user83 omg my shippp

aileenalize omg I thought I was your wife?

  | reply ~ Y/n.Y/ln.xo forever <3

hater52 omg no honey no

hater46 aren't you both 17? that's disgusting. act your own age.

pulemamoe my baby's growing up :'(

user24 my world

user46 can't wait for these two to get married

12,463 others....

They got an uber back to the hotel. Once they got to the hotel they got changed and Y/n sat in the sink taking her makeup off when she got a text. She picked up her phone and saw it was from Nessa.

N- Did he do it?

Y/n- Yesss

N- Omg im so happy for you! When you guys were at the beach he was literally having a panic attack over the phone to Mattia thinking you were gonna say no.

Y/n- Ugh I love him. Anyway im gonna go cuddle with him in bed. Get your pregnant ass some sleep <3

N- Night hoe <3

Y/n laughed before continuing to take her makeup off when Kairi walked into the bathroom. He frowned at her through the mirror.

"What were you laughing at? and why are you sitting in the sink?" Kairi said looking at his girlfriend.

"Nessa and im sitting here because it's comfortable" Y/n said laughing. Kairi chuckled before walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her waist and putting his head on her shoulder.

"I love you" Kairi said looking at her through the mirror. 

"I love you more" Y/n said smiling at him. Kairi picked her up from the sink and threw her on the hotel bed making her laugh. Kairi climbed into the bed next to her, he put his arms around her waist and stuffed his face into her neck. 

"I love you more but goodnight" Kairi said smiling into her neck.

"I'm not going to start this argument because we'll be here all night if I do. So goodnight Kai I love you" Y/n said before falling asleep.

{Word count: 627}

A/n: This story is going to be a lot longer than I expected it to be. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now