Part 22

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Y/n turned around to see who was trying to hug her and couldn't believe who she saw. Lani. She pushed her off and gave her a dirty look. 

"Omg Lani what the hell?" Y/n said slightly raising her voice at the girl in front of her.

"Y/n please i need you" Lani said letting her tears escape from her eyes.

"And why the hell would i do that Lani? After everything i did for you. You betrayed me" Y/n said crossing her arms and furrowing her eye brows.

"Mattia cheated on me with Cynthia!" Lani said balling her eyes out at this point.

"I told you Lani! And he didn't cheat. He tried to break up with you and you wouldn't let him so he had to do something about it." Y/n said still frowning.

"Y/n please i need you! I need all of you! Hector, Aliz, Pule and You!" Lani said with pleading eyes.

"Well im sorry Lani but we don't need you. Your dead to us now." Y/n said before walking away and going to her first class. Lunch came around and Y/n explained everything to everyone.

"Wow and she tried to hug you?" Aliz said looking at Y/n.

"Yeah but i just pushed her off" Y/n said shrugging her shoulders. 

"I never liked Lani but we had to put up with her because of Mattias sake" Alvaro said looking at Mattia and rolling his eyes.

"I liked her before we started dating but she changed when we were actually a thing. She got controlling and annoying and i lost all feelings for her" Mattia said looking down at his food in front of him.

"Anyway Mattia, wanna tell them about your new girlfriend?" Robert said whilst smirking at Mattia.

"Anyway Robert, wanna tell them about you dating Taylor?" Mattia said making a face a Robert. Robert and Taylor both start blushing. 

"Wait a minute. Taylor and Robert?" Kairi said raising his eye brows.

"Wait a minute. Mattia is it Cynthia? Because if it is im moving to Australia" Y/n asked Mattia.

"No its not Cynthia and her names Nessa. I cheated on Lani last week and i've been with Nessa for 6 days" Mattia said looking at everyone sitting around him at the table.

"Wow, and Taylor and Robert?" Y/n said looking at the pair.

"We went on one date. Nothing else. I don't think she wants to either" Robert said looking down at the table in front of him.

"I never said that" Taylor said smiling at Robert.

"Oh" Robert said smiling back.

"So many couples yet i still haven't even talked to anyone" Alvaro started to fake cry making the whole table laugh.

"I promise Alvaro we'll find you someone good" Y/n said.

"Thank you" Alvaro said wiping away his non-existent tears. 

"Can we go for a walk on the field i need to talk to you" Kairi whispered to Y/n. Y/n smiled at him.

"Of course" Y/n said. They both got up from they're seats and looked at they're friends.

"We're gonna go for a walk we'll see you soon" Kairi said smiling as he grabbed Y/ns hand making her smile too. They walked out of the lunch hall and to the field. 

"Its our date tomorrow" Kairi said smiling down at they're intertwined fingers.

" I know. Where are we going?" Y/n said with a wide smile on her face.

"Its a surprise" Kairi said instantly wiping her smile of her face.

"Oh common its a good one. I promise you'll like it. Kairi said stopping them both from they're walk.

"Ok, I trust you" Y/n said. Before they knew it the school day was over and they were sitting in they're houses. Kairi decided that he was going to call Y/n.

Incoming facetime call from Kaiii <3

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"I can't wait to take you out tomorrow" Kairi said looking at the tired girl on his phone.

"Just don't kill me" Y/n said before giving a big yawn.

"If your tired you should just got to sleep" Kairi said smiling.

"mmm" Y/n said before closing her eyes and falling into an immediate sleep. Kairi chuckled before ending the call and going to sleep himself.

{Word count: 670}

A/n: Oop im excited. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now