Part 27

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Y/n lifted her head from Kairis shoulder and saw them smiling as they were whispering. Y/n was about to get up to go and say something when Kairi grabbed her hand. She sat back down.

"Where were you going?" Kairi whispered in Y/ns ear.

"About to go ask Cynthia and Celia why they were pointing at you and whispering" Y/n said not letting her eyes leave the girls.

"They're just trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't let them get to you" Kairi said before putting her head back on his shoulder. Y/n smiled.

"Do you have to be so fucking cute right next to me?" Alavro said looking at the two and making them laugh.

"Your just jealous Varo" Kairi replied.

"I mean your not lying" Alvaro said pretending to fake cry. Lunch was over and everyone went to they're classes. Y/n was pretty much daydreaming throughout the rest of her day. Once the school day was over. Y/n went to her locker and then to Kairis car. They both got in the car and Kairi put on his playlist. Once Kairi got to Y/ns house she thanked him for the ride and went into her house. She was so tired that when she went into her room and jumped on her bed she instantly fell asleep. Y/n had been asleep for about 5 hours when she woke up to the sound of stones on her bedroom window. She got up and rubbed her eyes, she walked over to her window and saw Kairi standing at the bottom of it. Y/n opened her window and popped her head out.

"What are you doing here it's 9pm" Y/n said before yawning.

"I just wanted to see if you were ok you haven't replied to any of my texts or calls for 4 hours" Kairi said looking up at her.

"Yeah I was asleep" Y/n said whilst rubbing her eyes again.

"You could've just knocked on the front door" Y/n said.

"Eh, this way was more interesting" Kairi said.

"Anyway that's all I wanted to do, check you weren't dead yet" Kairi said smiling up at the girl.

"Wow, Ok thanks" Y/n said giggling.

"Bye i'll see you tomorrow" Kairi said as he walked away waving. Y/n waved back once he was gone she closed her window. Y/n looked at herself in her full length mirror and groaned. She walked into her bathroom and had a long shower, she got out and got into some pjamas before falling straight back to sleep.

{Word count: 409}

A/n: I promise it gets more interesting lmao. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now