Part 25

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They kissed. They both pulled away and looked back at the stars. Y/n looked back at Kairi, admiring her best friend who she was now dating. She put her head on his chest and could hear his heart beat. There was no where else on earth the pair would rather be. They enjoyed each others presence.

"These stars are so pretty, thank you for bringing me here tonight Kai" Y/n said as she looked up at him.

"You know what's even prettier?" Kairi said looking down at the girl who was lying on his chest.

"What?" Y/n said making eye contact.

"You" Kairi said smiling. Y/n burst into a laughing fit.

"What? Its true" Kairi said giggling.

"Your just so corny but I love it" Y/n said still laughing. 

"I think I should take you home now, your mom will start thinking I did kill you and bury you here" Kairi said as he got up from the blanket and putting his hand out to help her up. 

"Yeah your right" Y/n said as she grabbed his hands and got up. Kairi blew out all the candles and picked up the blanket. They heard something rustle in the bush and Y/n jumped and hid behind Kairi.

"Omg your such a scaredy cat, it was probably an animal" Kairi said as he turned around laughing at the girl behind him. They heard a second set of rustling noises and Kairi grabbed Y/ns hand and they ran to Kairis car. Once they were in Kairis car they started laughing. Kairi threw the blanket on the back seat and started the car. He turned the radio on really low and started driving.

"So how did I do for our first date?" Kairi asked. No response. He looked at Y/n in the passenger seat who was asleep. He chuckled and kept on driving. Once they got to Y/ns house Kairi got out of the car and quietly closed his door trying not to wake her up. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door. He picked up Y/n bridal style and walked to the front door. He knocked and Y/m came to the door.

"Well, it looks like you two had fun. Where did you end up taking her?" Y/m whispered whilst chuckling.

"We went star gazing in the woods" Kairi whispered back before going upstairs and putting Y/n in her bed.

"Take care of her Kairi" Y/m said as he was walking down the stairs.

"I wil Mrs. Y/ln" Kairi said as he walked to the front door of the house.

"Goodbye Kairi" Y/m said as she was closing the door.

"Bye" Kairi said before walking down the foot path and into his car. He didn't have to go far seeing as they only lived to doors away.

Y/n woke up in her bed confused. The last thing that she remembered was falling asleep in Kairis car. He must've carried me in she thought. She looked at the pictures they had taken and decided to post one on her spam.

liked by kairicosentino, hectordiaz and 1,474 others

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liked by kairicosentino, hectordiaz and 1,474 others

Y/n.spam I miss you already <3 :( @kairicosentino


alizspartyspam this is so cute :(

  | reply ~ Y/n.spam @hectordiaz take notes man.

     | reply ~ hectordiaz will do

kairiakaolaf hey! I thought you were asleep :(

  | reply ~ Y/n.spam I was and I woke up in my bed, care to explain?:(

User45 I ship

bigboymattia since when was Kairi romantic? tf

  | reply ~ kairiakaolaf uh since forever?

hater9 kairi deserves better

  | reply ~ kairiakaolaf but theres no one else better...

265 others....

Kairi also posted on his spam.

liked by Y/n

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liked by Y/n.Y/ln.xo , pulemamoe and 5,836 others

kairiakaolaf next time lets not get scared of the animals in the bushes lmfao <3 @Y/n.Y/ln.xo


yourfavmonkeyale i need to take pule on an even better date.

  | reply ~ pulesangels *gets excited*

user72 anyone else ship this?

  | reply ~ hater58 more like titanic

aloevera69 still manages to make me feel even more single everytime.

user63 you guys ran away from animals?

  | reply ~ Y/n.spam it was really scary ok

Y/n.spam miss you :'(

  | reply ~ kairiakaolaf miss u more

475 others....

After they both posted they went to sleep.

{Word count: 734}

A/n: This was lowkey cute. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now