Part 76

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Still Y/ns Pov:

I sat there and sobbed until I heard someone walk in. I looked up and saw Kairi with Sammy in his arms. I sighed with relief and wiped my tears.

"What the hell happened? I was walking back towards the hospital when I saw the 2 crazies with my son!" Kairi said putting him in the hospital crib. Kairi came and sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"They came in here and Celia told me that she wasn't gonna let you live without her and she told Cynthia to take Sammy. I was too weak to do anything, I tried stopping them with words but it didn't work" I said looking down at my lap. I felt Kairis hand graze my chin slightly as he lifted my head to look at him.

"Everything will be fine now. I called the police and they got arrested but I'm pretty sure I heard one of them talking about a mental hospital" Kairi said smiling at me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and sobbed into his neck. 

"I love you so much Kairi" I said gripping onto him.

"I love you too Y/n" Kairi said as he rubbed my back.

"And I love our son Sammy" Kairi said releasing himself from my arms as we looked at our son and smiled.

The end. :')

{Word count: 219} 

A/n: And that's it. Sorry it had to end like that but it was getting wayyyyyy too long. let me know if you want a sequel or a part 2. I actually cried whilst writing this, my first story has come to an end. My next one will be about Mattia so keep an eye out :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - kairiavenue on Instagram :)

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now