Part 35

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Y/n woke to the sun shining down into her eyes. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes and turned off her alarm that hadn't gone off just yet. She un plugged her phone and turned it on revealing messages from Aliz <3 and Kaiii <3. Monday. She got up from her bed and went into her bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth. Once she was done she wrapped herself in aa towel and sat down on her bed, picking up her phone and finally opening her messages.

A- Gmmm

Y/n- Gmmm

A- see you soon

Y/n- see ya.

Then Y/n opened Kairis message.

K- Gm beautiful I'll be at yours at 7:30 <3.

Y/n- See you soon <3.

Y/n looked at the time. 7:17 am. She took a deep breath before going into her closet and picking her outfit for the day. She chose to wear what she pretty much wears every day to school, a hoodie some leggings and white air forces. Y/n picked up her school bag and walked downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing her lunch and snacks and putting them in her bag. She wrote her daily sticky note and put it on her fridge before walking into her living room and slouching into her sofa. She went into Instagram and saw a picture on tiktok room of Mattia and Cynthia kissing with it captioned "Mattia is reportedly cheating on Nessa?". Y/n went straight to message him.

Y/n- Mattia are you insane?! Are you seriously cheating on Nessa with Cynthia when she's having your baby?!

M- No way. That picture is really old but she wants to start trouble just like Celia.

Y/n- Ok, does Nessa believe it?

M- I haven't spoken to her yet.

Y/n- Ok well go tell her before she starts to assume things idiot.

M- Oh shut up, I'll see you soon loser

Incoming phone call from Kaiii <3

Answer               Decline

"I'm outside" Kairi said.

"Ok im coming" Y/n said as she got up from her sofa and made her way to the front door and closing it softly behind her so that she didn't wake anyone up. Y/n walked down her path and to Kairis car. She opened the passenger side door and got into car sitting next to her boyfriend. Y/n closed the door and kissed Kairi on the cheek. He blushed making her laugh.

"I made you blush?" Y/n said still laughing at the boy next to her with rosy cheeks.

"Anyway, good morning" Y/n said grabbing the seat belt from next to her and pulling it over her before clicking it in.

"Good morning" Kairi said as he started the car and smiled.

"Did you see the post on tiktok room?" Y/n said looking at Kairi.

"Yeah, that's from ages ago" Kairi said still looking at the road as he was driving it.

"I don't think Nessa's seen it yet" Y/n said when her phone started ringing. She got her phone from her bag and looked at the name on the screen. Nessa <3. Y/n picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hey Nessa, your on speaker im just with Kai" Y/n said.

"Did Mattia actually  cheat on me?" Nessa asked sniffiling.

"Of course not Nessa. That pictures from a while ago" Y/n replied.

"How do we know he's not lieing?" Nessa said still sniffiling.

"I was with him when that picture was taken that was about 3 months ago" Kairi said.

"Oh ok, thanks guys" Nessa said before ending the call. Y/n was looking through her snapchat memories when she saw one that said 4 months ago today and it was a picture of her and Kairi on facetime for the first time.

"Oh my god Kai, 4 months ago today we had our first facetime call" Y/n said as Kairi was parking in front the school. 

"Oh wow, I remember that. I was so nervous" Kairi said giggling.

"Why?" Y/n said furrowing her eye brows at the boy who was turning the car off.

"Because I've always liked you Y/n" He said smiling at her.

"Aww I've always liked you too Kai" Y/n replied.

"Ok wait here" Kairi said before unbuckling himself and getting out of the car. He ran to the passenger side and opened the door for Y/n grabbing her hand.

"You do know you don't have to do that everytime Kai" Y/n said whilst giggling as Kairi closed the passenger door and locked his car. He grabbed Y/ns hand and started walking towards they're friends.

"I know, but i choose to anyway" Kairi said smiling at his girlfriend. They went to they're classes and got through the day pretty fast and Kairi was already taking Y/n home. Kairi stopped outside of Y/ns house and turned to her. 

"Ok so be ready by 5pm, I'll walk over here to walk you to my house" Kairi said smiling at his girlfriend sitting next to him.

"Kairi, you don't have to walk me to your house. We literally live 2 houses from each other, I think i can handle walking to your house" Y/n said whilst giggling and grabbing his hand.

"But i want to" Kairi said before lifting her hand to his lips and placing a kiss on it. Y/n smiled and laughed.

"If you insist" Y/n said before un buckling herself and leaving Kairis car. Once she got to her front door she turned around and blew Kairi a kiss, he pretended to catch it making her almost fall from laughter.

{Word count: 880}

A/n: It's raining. That's all i have to say. Anyways have good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now