Part 1

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I wake up to the sound of my annoying alarm. ugh. Its Monday. I reached for my phone and saw that I had a text from Hector. So I opened it.


H- Good morningggg me and Aliz are going to come and pick you up for school today, we just wanted to know if you wanted to get breakfast first?

Y/n- Good morninggg and sure, where were you thinking of going to eat?

H- The first place that we see serves breakfast, we're reallyyy hungry

Y/n- Ok I don't mind

H- We'll be there in about 20 miutes?

Y/n- Ok ill go and get ready

H- Ok see you soon

Y/n- byeeee

I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, had a shower, did my hair and got changed into a random purple oversized hoodie with some black leggings and white air forces. I really didn't care about what I looked like today, I mean I've got no one to look good for anyway right?

I went downstairs and got snacks for throughout the day and my lunch. Me and my friends don't get food from school because it sucks but also because we're kind of scared that if we go in there someone will dump they're food on us. And we're not trying to sit in the schools disgusting food for the rest of the day. I made sure I had everything that I needed while I was waiting for Hector and Aliz. Keys, yup. Phone, yup. Books,yup . They still weren't there yet so I sat down on my black leather sofa and scrolled through tiktok for a bit. As I was on the fyp I found Kairi dancing with Taylor. I smiled. He's so cute. Wait... No! He's just my bestfriend! wait... my thoughts were interrupted by the honk of Hector's car. None of my family was awake yet and I knew if my mom woke and to see I wasn't in the house she'd go full on panic mode. So I quickly got a sticky note and wrote 'don't worry! I've just gone to go get breakfast with Hector and Aliz! see you when I get back from school. Luv from your favourite child :)' I new the last bit would make my brother so mad I laughed. I got a magnet and put the note on the fridge. As I was walking to my front door I hear Hector honking his horn again. As I step out my door Hector shouts to me.

"What took you so long?"

"I was just writing a note to let my mom know where I was going, calm down" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ok chill I just wanted to know" Hector said whilst rolling up his window.

I walked to the other side of the car and got in, I slammed the car door and looked at Aliz who was sitting in the back smiling at me.

"Hey Aliz" I said whilst smiling. Seeing Aliz's smile made me so happy because I know she's going through a lot at home. Sometimes I just want to hug her and take away all her pain, she's so sweet and doesn't deserve any of the pain she goes through.

"Hey Y/n" Aliz said still smiling at Y/n. Y/n turned around to put her seatbelt on. Once it clicked in she turned back around to Aliz. 

"So, you hungry? Also how is Melanie and Adam?" Y/n asked politely (idk what they're real names are so I made some up lmao)

"Yeah, i'm starving and Melanie's doing good but Adam has been talking about there's this one girl that picks on him in his class" Aliz replied

"Oh well she probably has a crush on him" they both giggled and y/n turned to Hector.

"So are you gonna start the car and start driving so we can find somewhere to eat or are we going to still here all day?" Y/n said as Aliz started laughing. Hector rolled his eyes and started the car. He put on his spotify playlist and Best interest by Tyler the creator came on. All 3 of them started singing and laughing. Y/n recording Hector singing "I wont tell anybodyyyyy its our secret" in a high pitched voice and posted it on her snapchat story.

"What about here?" Hector said. As Y/n moved her head up from her phone to the direction of Hectors finger he she saw a cute little café that was very instagramable.

"Omg yesss its so cute! What do you think Aliz?" Y/n replied excitedly.

"As long as they serve food" Aliz said as Y/n and Hector started laughing. Hector parked outside of the café . And everyone got out. As they walked in someone caught y/n's eye....

{word count: 777}

A/n: oof look at me with the cliff hangers! anyway is this even good? lmk. Anyways have  good day/ night and ill post more soon.

xoxo - you'll never know

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now