Part 19

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Y/ns jaw dropped as she saw Ale and Pule basically eating each others face off. She nudged Kairi and his jaw also dropped. Alvaro turned around still laughing at a joke Robert had made, when he saw Pule and Ale he laughed even harder.

"You guys, I get its lunch and I know your hungry but you don't have to eat each other" Alvaro said still laughing. They stopped kissing and blushed. Y/n elbowed Alvaro which made him stop laughing.

"You should've left them" Y/n said giving Alvaro a disappointed look.

"Ok ok sorry" Alvaro said rubbing his arm where Y/n had elbowed him. Lunch had ended and everyone went back to there classes. Once the school day had ended everyone had planned to meet by Kairis car so they could go to the park. At Y/n walked towards Kairis car everyone was already there and was waiting for her.

"Finally" Alvaro said rolling his eyes and removing his back from Kairis car.

"I wasn't that long now lets go" Y/n said before getting into Kairis car. Kairi, Y/n and Alvaro too Kairis car. Alejandro, Pule and Mattia took Mattias car and Aliz and Hector went into Hectors car. When Kairi arrived at the park the only car that was there was Mattias. As they got out of the car they saw Mattia sitting on a slide while Pule and Alejandro were all cuddled up on a bench near him.

"You guys couldn't have gotten here any quicker I really needed to see my boyfriend" Mattia said pointing at Alvaro.

"And Alvaro said he was always a third wheel" Y/n said whilst laughing. Just then Aliz and Hector started to walk towards them hand in hand.

"Aww how cute, look at my creation" Y/n said looking over at Aliz and Hector smirking.

"Oh shut up Y/n at least he knows I like him" Aliz said smirking back at Y/n.

"Who said he didn't know?" Y/n said smirking even bigger than before.

"You said what?" Aliz said, her smirk forming into a :o. Y/n just laughed. Kairi went and sat next to Y/n who was sitting on the floor next to Mattia who was still seated on the yellow slide. Hector and Aliz also sat on the floor in front of Mattia. Alvaro joined them. 

"Hey love birds come sit on the floor with these lot I have to tell you guys something" Mattia said looking down at his lap. Pule and Ale got up and sat next to Kairi and Y/n.

"So... I might've cheated on Lani because I really don't like her..." Mattia said whilst playing with his thumbs, nervous for his friends response. Y/n and Aliz burst into laughter and high fived each other.

"Um, what's happening?" Mattia asked looking up from his lap to the girls who were still laughing. 

"When Lani texted me that one night before she slapped me, I said don't come running back to us when Mattia cheats on you and she was all "Mattia would never cheat he loves me!" Y/n said still laughing.

"Oh well I hope this doesn't change your opinion on me. I would never do that to someone I loved its just she wouldn't let me break up with her" Mattia said looking down at his lap. 

"Your kidding right?" Aliz said looking at Mattia.

"If anything we love you even more" Y/n said laughing. She got up and hugged Mattia.

"Oh ok" Mattia said clearly not expecting a hug after he told someone he cheated.

"I can tell you feel bad. But you shouldn't, you tried to break up with her but she wouldn't let you. Plus she had it coming to her anyway" Y/n said removing herself from the hug and looking at Mattia. Mattia pulled her in for another hug making her laugh.

"Remind me why we ever made fun of her" Mattia said looking at Ale over Y/ns shoulder. Alejandro just shrugged.

"Alright hands off Mattia" Kairi said taking Y/ns hand and removing her from the hug.

"Now I see why you always used to stick up for her" Mattia said smirking at Kairi and making him blush. Kairi was still holding Y/ns hand so he pulled her to a set of swings They say down and held each others hand from each swing smiling at each other.

"Y/n can I ask you something......." Kairi said admiring the girl who's hand he was holding.

{Word count: 719}

A/n: Do you guys like this so far? Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

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