Part 12

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"Hey, Mattia and Alejandro explained to me what happened and surprisingly, they're very supportive of it and want you guys to hang out with us. How'd Hector take everything?" Kairi said through the phone to Y/n.

"Wow i'd love to, I'll definitely ask the others. And Hector... Where do I even start?" Y/n said.

"Oh no, im all ears" Kairi said sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms making Y/n giggle.

"Well he was really pissed and upset when he first found out so we all went home. He came in my house to talk about it. First he was saying about how I betrayed everyone's trust and blah blah. Then I was asking him why he was so upset about us being friends because you've never really done anything to him. And then he said that he liked me. I was so confused at first because obviously he was with Aliz and I ship them so much. So when I said about him with Aliz he told me the only reason they were together was so he could make me jealous and Aliz could make you jealous. Then he told me he's losing feelings for me and catching them for Aliz and to be honest I think she feels the same way. I see the way she looks at Hector, she's not slick. She's my bestie I know her way too well. Me and Pule will make sure they end up together." Y/n finished her whole rant and looked at Kairi who was shocked.

"Wow that was a lot. I can't believe Aliz liked me, that's funny" Kairi said whilst giggling.

"Hey that's my wife you can't be laughing at her" Y/n said crossing her arms and frowning at the small boy on her screen.

"I thought you said you wanted her and Hector to be together?" Kairi said still giggling at his best friend pouting.

"I do but i'll secretly always be her soulmate" Y/n said smiling. They talked and talked for hours.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Kairi asked his sleepy friend.

"Um I actually don't know. Hector is taking me somewhere but its a surprise so I don't know." Y/n said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh no. Im sorry. I know you hate surprises" Kairi said making a sad face.

"Yeah anyway what about you?" Y/n said looking at Kairi through her phone screen.

"I don't know either. Im probably just going to do something with the boys" Kairi replied. Kairi noticed Y/n wasn't talking anymore so he looked at his screen and smiled at the sight of Y/n asleep.

"Gn princess" Kairi smirked before ending the call and going to sleep himself.

{Word count: 438}

A/n: Sorry this was so boring. Ty for 100+ views <3. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now