Part 61

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"Of course!" Y/n said as she walked up to Aliz and gave her a hug. Nessa walked down first and walked to the front and sat beside Mattia. Pule walked down and sat next to Alejandro. Y/n and Aliz stood in the room ready to walk down the ailse.

"How do i look" Aliz said as she looked down at her dress.

"So beautiful" Y/n said almost tearing up.

"Don't cry or I'll cry" Aliz said grabbing Y/n and hugging her.

"I can't believe it, we used to dream about this as kids" Y/n said letting a single tear escape her eye.

"I love you so much and will never leave your side" Aliz said removing herself from they're hug and wiping Y/ns tear off her cheek.

"I love you more, now lets walk down this ailse before they start thinking we've done a runner in Paris" Y/n said making Aliz giggle. Y/n took Alizs hand and they walked down the ailse linking arms. Hector teared up when he saw Aliz smiled at him, once they reached the alter Y/n hugged Aliz once last time and told her she loved her before walkingover to Kairi. Kairi smiled at her aa whispered to her.

"You look so good" Kairi smiled.

"You do too" Y/n whispered and smiled back. They sta down as Hector and Aliz said they're vows.

"Do you Hector Diaz take Aliz ..... (idk her last name im pretty sure its Aliz and her first names Aileen lmao) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked looking at Hector.

"I do" Hector said smiling as he held Alizs hands.

"And do you Aliz .... take Hector Diaz to be your lawfulled wedded Husband?" The priest said looking from his book to Aliz.

"I do" Aliz said smiling at Hector.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" The priest said as Hector grabbed Aliz by the waist and kissed her. Everyone got up and cheered them.

"That'll be us one day" Kairi whispered in Y/ns ear as they both clapped. Y/n looked at him, smiled and mouth i love you. He mouthed it back as Aliz and Hector walked down the ailse. Hector and Aliz didn't want to have a party after so they decided to just get a plane home to tell they're family's. Everyone went back to they're hotel rooms and packed to go back to New Jersey. Y/n layed on the bed on her phone as Kairi packed his suitcase, he zipped it up and jumped on the bed next to Y/n.

"So, on a scale from one to ten what would you rate your surprise trip to Paris as?" Kairi asked as Y/n put her phone down.

"Ten" Y/n said before giving him a kiss.

"Does that mean that you like surprises now?" Kairi asked smiling at her.

"No but i don't dislike them" Y/n said smiling back at him. He rolled his eyes and sat up.

"At least we're getting somewhere. Anyway we gotta get going the uber driver just texted me that he's waiting outside" Kairi said grabbing both of they're suitcases. 

"I can carry mine its ok Kai" Y/n said smiling at him.

"Nope, I'm good let's go" Kairi said opening the door and leaving with both suitcases. They checked out and walked towards the uber, Kairi put both suitcases in the trunk before climbing in the back with Y/n. They pointed out cute buildings the whole car ride to the airport, when they arrived there they sent they're bags off and got on the plane. Kairi put his head on Y/ns shoulder and fell asleep.

{Word count: 589}

A/n: they're married <3 I'm probably gonna spam again today. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now