Part 3

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Y/n had a free lesson in history so they pretty much just talked about Pule's weekend in Paris throughout the whole lesson.

"Wow, one day you, me, Aliz and Hector should go to Paris or somewhere together. That would be sick" Y/n said to Pule.

"Omg yes maybe in the summer?" Pule replied.

"Yesss" Y/n said as the bell rang for lunch. Y/n and Pule met with Aliz and Hector to eat on the schools field. They went right to end and the school had a pretty big field so if you went to the other end from where they were sitting they'd look like little dots. They ate they're lunch and went to class again. The rest of the day was pretty boring. Y/n decided she wanted to walk home today instead of going with Hector and Aliz just to get some fresh air. As Y/n was walking she could feel the presence of someone walking behind her so she picked up her pace. But the person behind her caught up with her and touched Y/n's shoulder. She turned to her left to see Kairi.

"Don't do that! You scared me!" Y/n said trying to catch her breath from walking at such a fast pace.

"Sorry, it was funny seeing you try to speed walk" Kairi said whilst giggling. Y/n playfully smacked his arm and rolled her eyes at him.

"Um, I don't really want to talk right now but we'll facetime later?" Y/n awkwardly said.

"Uh, ok." Kairi replied in a confused tone. Y/n walked up to her front door, grabbed her keys from the bottom of her bag and unlocked the door and walked in. (oh btw y/n and kai live like 2 doors away form each other). Y/n took her shoes off and went upstairs. She put her bag on the floor and went straight to her bed. She layed in be for a few hours just watching tiktok and occasionally going on snap or Instagram. When she got a call from Kairi.

Incoming call from Kaiii

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K- hey 

Y/n- hi

K- You said earlier that you didn't wanna talk but we could later?

Y/n- oh yeah


Y/n- Oh its nothing it just you didn't text me this morning and then to make it even weirder you were with Vic and Taylor and we literally tell each other everything so it was just weird yunno?

K- I had a sleepover with Taylor and Vic after we facetimed yesterday, and i didnt want them to know about our friendship so i couldn't text you because they would definetly start asking questions.

Y/n- oh sorry lmao. I knew i was overreacting.

K- its fine anyway how r u

They talked for hours like they normally do until Y/n said something that really surprised Kairi.

Y/n- Kairi... Do you ever think that we could be friends in public too? I really hate hiding things from my friends.

{word count: 493}

A/n: Sorry this is trash but i wrote this at 3 am and i was really tired. Anyways have a good day/night :)

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now