Part 10

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It was finally Saturday which meant Y/n could finally sleep in. She woke up at 11am and had 3 texts. Kairi ,Hector and Aliz. She opened her text from Hector first.

H- "Gm, me and the girls are going to the mall today at 1 do you wanna come?"

Y/n- "Yeah sure can you pick me up?"

H- " Yeah Of course see an hour?"

Y/n- "I thought you said 1?"

H- "Yeah but now Pule and Aliz want to go an hour earlier for some reason?"

Y/n- "Oh ok yeah ill see you soon big head"

H- "Ok i'll call you when im outside ugly <3" 

Then Y/n opened her message from Aliz.

A- "We're going to the mall are you coming babe?"

Y/n- "Yeah, I just talked to Hector and apparently we're going an hour earlier now?"

A- "Yeah me and Pule got a little excited we really want to eat and get some clothes"

Y/n- "Ok well i'll see you weirdos soon"

Then last but not least she opened her message from Kairi.

K- "Gm Beautiful, I hope you have good day and you smile a lot because its good for you! The boys are coming over today so I might not be able to talk much. But ill miss you <3"

Y/n- "Gmmm and I can't talk either im going to the mall with Aliz, Pule and Hector. I'll miss you too silly <3"

Y/n got up, had a shower and got changed into a black tube top, some ripped jeans and her air forces like always. She put on her perfume and got her bag and her purse. She went downstairs and saw her mom sitting down in the living room watching tv.

"Hey, Im going to the mall with Hector, Pule and Aliz. They'll be here any minute" Y/n said to her mom who was watching the news and reading something on facebook.

"Ok, just be safe" Her mother responded. About 6 minutes later Hector called Y/n and told her that they were outside waiting for her. Y/n said bye to her mom and walked out of her front door towards Hectors car. She got in and sat next to Pule in the back.

"Hey Pule, hey love birds" Y/n said with a wide smile spread across her face.

"hey" everyone replied. They talked and sang a lot during the car ride there. Once they were there they went to the food court and went to McDonald's. Pule, Hector and Y/n were finished and waiting for Aliz.

"Hey guys im gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Y/n said to Hector and the two girls.

"Ok by the time you come out i'll probably be finished" Aliz replied. Y/n went to the bathroom and did what she needed to do.

Hectors Pov:

Y/n went too the bathroom and she left her phone on the table. While she was in the bathroom I saw that her was ringing. So I picked up her phone and was shocked at the name on the screen.

Mattias Pov:

Me and Ale went to Kairi's house today. Not to do anything in particular just to mess around and have fun really. Kairi went to use the bathroom and he left his phone unlocked on his bed. I looked over at Alejandro and smirked. He smirked right back at me. We both had the same idea to just go through his phone with no idea what we were going to find. I went to his snapchat and saw the name "Y/n <3" right at the top. Wtf. I looked through his messages that he had saved with her. He says gm to her everyday and by what it says apparently they facetime everyday at 5? Wow wtf. I went to his facetime log and there it was, Y/n was one of the only people that he facetimed other than me, Alvaro and Robert. I was shocked. How could my best friend keep his friendship with someone my annoying girlfriend hates and someone who me and Ale pick on sometimes? I didn't know what to do so I gave the phone to Ale. That's when I realised he was calling Y/n. Maybe to get some answers?

Back to Hector's Pov:

Kairi? Wtf? There was a heart next to his name so im assuming they talk? I picked up the phone and heard Alejandros voice on the other side. weird.

"Hello?" Alejandro said thinking it was Y/n on the other side of the phone.

"Um, hi?" I replied.

"Is Y/n there? Or even better did she tell you she's been best friends with Kairi for 3 months?" Alejandro said. My heart dropped how could she keep something from us for so long?

"Uh no. And did Kairi tell you?" I replied.

"No we went through his phone as a joke while he was in the bathroom and found all they're messages. They facetime everyday at 5 and they text each other every morning." I heard Mattia say.

"Oh wow. I don't know what to say" I replied dryly. I was so upset that she kept this from me especially when she knows im not very found of Kairi and definitely not his friends.

"Yeah, I guess they're good at keeping secrets." Alejandro said to me from across the phone.

"Well im gonna go because Y/n will be back any second" I said to Ale still in shock.

"Yeah we should probably go to before Kairi comes back". Alejandro replied.

"Ok well, bye" And with that I hung up and put the phone to the table. I put my head in my hands and sighed. And then that was when she walked back to the table. Aliz and Pule looked at me with a confused face.

Y/n's Pov:

I walked out of the bathroom and back to the table we were sitting at. Hector had his head in his hands and Aliz and Pule were looking at him frowning. That's when I realised my phone was no longer where I was sitting, it was next to Hector. Weird. I sat down and took my phone still confused as to why he had my phone and why he was acting so weird. He finally lifted his head from his hands and looked me directly into my eyes. I could see that his eyes were full of anger but at the same time sadness. What happened to him? I gulped and broke the eye contact looking at Aliz who also looked confused. My eyes travelled back to Hectors until he finally spoke. 

"So, When were you planning on telling us?" Hector said still staring into my soul.

{Word count: 1086}

A/n: Shits about to go down again. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now