Part 55

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Y/n got up without waking up Kairi and took a shower. When she got out of the shower Kairi was still asleep so she picked her outfit for the gender reveal and put it on her chair. She went downstairs and into the kitchen. She made Kairi some pancakes and took them upstairs for him, as she walked into her bedroom she chuckled seeing he was still asleep. Y/n put his breakfast on her desk, then walked over to her bed and sat down next to him.

"Kairi, wake up bubs I made you breakfast" Y/n said as she ran her hand threw his hair. Kairi groaned and pulled the covers over his head.

"Kai I made you breakfast" Y/n said as she got up and walked over to er desk. She picked up the plate with Kairis pancakes on it and walked back over to her bed. Kairi sat up and looked at the breakfast Y/n had made him.

"Thank you" Kairi said as he kissed her on the cheek. Y/n got up from the bed and walked over to the chair she had left her outfit on for the gender reveal. She picked the outfit up and walked into her bathroom to put it on, she had to wear neutral colours so that she wasn't giving away the gender. This is what Y/n wears.

Y/n walked out of the bathroom and Kairi was already downstairs

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Y/n walked out of the bathroom and Kairi was already downstairs. Y/n walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Kairi was washing the dishes which made Y/n smile. 

"Thanks I could've done that" Y/n said as she picked up a plate of food for the gender reveal.

"It's fine I wanted to do it" Kairi said as he turned around and gave her a hug.

"Do you need help bringing anything out?" Kairi asked looking at the plate in her hands.

"Uh, yeah. Could you bring the cake out? That's the last thing we need" Y/n asked as she smiled at her boyfriend.

"Yeah of course" Kairi said as he walked towards the cake and picked it up. They both walked out into the garden and placed the food on the table. Everything was ready the only thing they were missing was they're guests. Y/n heard a knock on the front door and went to open it. It was Alejandro, Pule and Alvaro. She welcomed them in and walked them to the garden where they sat down together.

"You guys already know what it is?" Alejandro asked as he held Pules hand.

"Yup" Pule smiled at Alejandro and squeezed his hand, he smiled back. Y/n heard another knock and went to answer the door. She opened the door and revealed Hector and Aliz holding hands and smiling. Y/n hugged both of them and walked them to back garden where they talked with Kairi, Pule and Alejandro. Finally Y/n heard the last knock at the door and squealed.

"They're here!" Y/n said as she got up out of her seat and ran towards the front door. She opened the door and saw her 7 moths pregnant best friend with her other best friend.

"Finally" Y/n said as she hugged Nessa then Mattia.

"Sorry, someone was taking really long to curl her hair" Mattia said rolling his eyes at Nessa.

"It's ok, let's go to the garden" Y/n said as she walked the pair through her house and into her garden. They sat down and talked with everyone for a little while, laughing and talking about they're future.

"Can we find out already?" Alvaro said getting impatient making everyone laugh.

"Sure, so you can find out two ways. You cut the cake and see what the colour inside is or you pop the balloons and see what colour is inside" Y/n said pointing from the cake on the table to the box underneath it. Nessa looked at Mattia.

"I don't mind. It's up to Mattia" Nessa said looking at him and smiling, he smiled back.

"Balloons" Mattia said not moving his eyes from Nessa.

"Alrighty" Y/n said as she got up from her seat and got the box with the balloons and put it in front of Mattia and Nessa. She gave them both a needle and sat back down in her seat next to Kairi. She grabbed Kairis hand and smiled, he smiled back before turning his head to look at Mattia and Nessa. Nessa took her needle and ran it across the tape keeping the box together and opened the box. 2 black balloons pinged out of the box and they stood up together. Everyone did a count down.




{Word count: 766}

A/n: sorry im annoying hehe. 7/10. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

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