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I walk upstairs to go to my office.

I left Rosie in the care of the other guys while I go up to my office to go get some work done.

"You left Rosie in the wrong hands buddy." Syris says walking behind me. I don't look back. "The more I think about it, the more I realize it." I chuckle and walk inside my office, leaving the door open for Syris to walk in. I go sit on my chair. Syris closes the door behind him.

"So what are you going to do about her?" he asks sitting across me from the table. I lean back on my chair and sigh. "I don't know. I was thinking of enrolling her to a school nearby so that she's has something to do but I'm not sure she'll want to." I scratch my head. He chuckles. "I think she'll like it." He comments. "Everyone likes school especially when you're still in primary." He adds.

"Until they get to high school." He mutters.

I smile at this. "Since when did you not enjoy high school?" I ask him. He bursts out laughing. "No man. It's just that I'd see things and do things that make my older self cringe. Missed opportunities, many mistakes and failed tests." He shakes his head. "Everything else on my part was good. It's just the failed tests that haunt me." I confess laughing it out.

"Yeah, who would have thought. Our great leader used to be a moron back in high school." He laughs. "Hey, I wasn't that bad." I frown getting serious. "There was even a time when we thought you wouldn't make it." He laughs harder. "Syris I think you're enjoying laughing at me too much." I point out taking out classified papers from the drawers.

"Sorry, I just enjoy seeing you laugh again man. It's been a while." He calms down. I start flipping through papers. "Yeah." I agree. We hear a small knock on the door. "Come in!" I call out and look past Syris to the door.

And in walks Rosie.

"Rosie." Syris smiles at her and beckons for her to come to him. Rosie jumps on him. Syris catches her and sets her on his lap. She looks at me. "What are you doing?" she asks me falling on Syris. "Oh Parker is doing some Alpha work, we should let him be and go play outside huh, do you want to play outside?" Syris smiles at her sweetly. Rosie looks up at him. "No, I don't want to be anywhere without Parker." She says. I look at her for a while.

"Rosie- "but I'm interrupted by Malcolm through the mind link.

'Hey Parker, is Rosie with you?' he asks me a bit nervous.

'No, why?' I lie

'Well the thing is- 'but he's interrupted by Jordan. 'I asked Malcolm- 'then Jordan is interrupted by Eden. 'They're both lying, I told Jordan to watch Rosie because I'll be part of the team that's going to fix things at the Omega cabins. Jordan not up for anything, that lazy ass, passed it on to Malcom.' Eden explains.

'But Malcolm was cool with it!' Jordan exclaims.

'Yeah I was cool with it. Rosie and I decided to play hide and seek for a while. So I told her to hide and she did right. And when I try sniffing her out, I couldn't pick up her scent. I looked everywhere I possible could but I still can' find her. So that's why I'm asking if you've seen her.' Malcolm explains calmly.

'Hm.' Is all I say before cutting the mind link. I open my eyes and look at Rosie watching me closely.

"Aren't you supposed to be playing hide and seek with Malcolm?" I ask her. She blinks her eye looking confused. "What? Is that what we were playing? Oh well, my bad." She gives me the cutest smile. That's when I knew. "Wow." Syris looks at her amazed. "She's good." He adds and looks at me in disbelief. I try not to smile at this.

'Malcolm, Rosie is with me. Don't stress yourself.' I tell him.

'What really? That's great.' He sighs in relief. 'Well, good luck with her!' he adds before cutting the mind link.

I sigh and look at Rosie. "What am I going to do with you?" I ask, rhetorically. "Well you could take me shopping for new clothes. I've been in these ones for the past 2 days." She points out. "They don't seem dirty to me; in fact, they look brand new." I point out. "Cara bought me these clothes 3 days ago while we were in Spain." She says calmly.

I widen my eyes at this.

"Wait, you were in Spain 3 days ago?" Syris beats me to the question. Rosie looks at him. "Yes." She nods. "How were you in Spain and then half way across the world to here in just a day?" I ask not understanding what she said.

"We can do this thing where we can travel to places faster through shadows. But I'm still too young to be able to do it though. Cara reckons that by the age of 10 I'll be able to do it just fine." She shrugs. "You can shadow travel?" Syris asks amazed. "It's called Shadow Jumping and I can't Shadow jump until I'm 10. But Cara says I'm an early bloomer." She beams with joy.

"Rosie what did you say you are again?" Syris asks her turning serious. "I didn't say what I was before." she backs up a little. "No that's okay Rosie, you don't have to explain anything just yet." I get up from my chair.

"So you said you wanted to go shopping?" I ask her putting the papers back in their drawers. "Yes!" she squeals excited. "Let's go." I smile and walk over to her. "Syris." I call him as I stick out my hand for Rosie to grab. She grabs in happily and gets off Syris. "Got it." Syris stands up already prepared. "Thanks. See you in a few hours. I'll be back soon, faster than you know it." I walk to the door with Rosie in my hand.

"Hm." Syris says. I close the door behind me and we walk down the stairs.

"Yay, I love shopping." She squeals so excited, her grip on my hand getting a bit tight. I try to not put on a grim face.

I've been with enough girls to know that shopping with them sucks. They are so indecisive and picky. But then again, Rosie is just a child. She probably doesn't do all those annoying stuff girls do when they go shopping.

Shopping with a child, what's the worst that could happen?

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