Chapter 11

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Tyler wound up at Faye's the same night of the career fair, he almost fought Jeremy and his dad was a complete ass, as usual. He slept in the bed with Faye while Lori slept on the couch willingly. Tyler offered to, but Lori said she didn't want to take Tyler's time with his girlfriend. She knows all about Tyler's temper. She and the other girls on the team have seen him snap up close.

The next morning, Laney came home and met Lori whole Faye and Tyler were still getting ready for school. Laney is glad Faye is making friends and joining teams instead of being a loner.

Tyler and Laney greet each other before the three teenagers leave for school. Laney smiles and she Skypes Mason back.

Faye and Tyler see Alaric searching for something in his car when they leave Faye's car. Lori had ran off to class as soon as Faye parked her car. Jeremy approaches Ric and the couple head straight to the school so that Tyler doesn't start anything with the youngest Gilbert.

Faye goes to the gym after school for some basketball practice when Tyler goes to the weightlifting room outside near the football field. Penelope Margot gives Faye a high five as she enters the locker room and Logan Gaye hands her the practice uniform.

Faye dresses in it and joins the girls in the gym. Lori smiles at her new best friend and Coach Maxwell blows her whistle for practice to begin.

After practice, the girls all get some ice cream and head to Lori's house. The Maxwell family lives right beside Caroline Forbes and her mother, Liz. Coach Maxwell has went to the Grill to pick up dinner for the team. She even insisted Faye stay to eat, and she agreed after getting permission from Laney since she isn't eighteen yet.

Faye and the girls sit around Lori's living room.

"Have you heard of Tyler's reputation?" Maxine asks from her spot in the floor beside the tv.

"I heard of it," Faye replies. "But he doesn't know how unforgiving I can be. I'm just waiting for the moment he messes up. I know he will. I knew Tyler's in Richmond."

"You're a good girl," Jasmine claims.

"Way too good for Tyler Lockwood," Faith adds. "No offense, Faye."

"None taken," Faye replies. "Bonnie says that all the time."

Jane smiles. "It's true, Tyler's a grade-Douche."

"I know," Faye replies and the girls all laugh. "I'm his girlfriend and I say that. He picks fights too much."

"I feel bad for Jeremy Gilbert," Morgan states. "All he did was take Vicki, and Vicki liked him."

"You just miss your pot buddy," Annie sneers. "She's missing and you can't get your high."

"I don't get high!" Morgan exclaims, defending herself. "Just because I'm friends with Vicki Donovan means I'm a druggie, I'm not."

"If my mom drug tests you, would you pass?" Lori challenges.

Morgan frowns. "I'd pass."

"Now," Bella mutters under her breath. "You probably wouldn't have passed when Vicki were still in town."

Faye and Lori get the paper that was on the cones and used napkins before walking into the kitchen to dispose of their trash. The girls begin telling Faye about themselves while waiting for Phoebe to return with the food.

Phoebe enters her house and smiles at the twelve teenaged girls scattered across her living room. Faye is telling them about James and how he was toward her. Phoebe graduated high school with James Bennett, he was always an asshole then, too. And when she heard that Laney Marshall was pregnant with him, she felt sorry for both Laney and the baby.

"Food's here!" Phoebe announces when the girls all look at her. "To the dining room, pronto."

That's all it took for the teenagers to gather around the Maxwell's large dining table. Faye is sitting in between Lori and Morgan. Phoebe begins handing out food and she grabs her own before sitting at the head of the table. Everyone begins talking about school, life, and the team.

Faye smiles as everyone chats around her, Phoebe begins talking to her directly. She wants to get to know her daughter's best friend and the daughter of James Bennett and Laney Marshall.

Lori and the team all go out to the basketball court Phoebe put in two years ago. They're all in sweats and tank tops, Lori let Faye borrow some of hers. They group into teams of six. Faye is captain of one side and Lori has the other.

Penelope, Morgan, Bella, Logan, and Jane are on Faye's team for the fun basketball game. Annie, Jasmine, Maxine, Faith, and Annabelle are on Lori's team. Phoebe is the referee and coach for the games, and she blows her whistle for the game to begin.

After spending the day bonding with the team and playing basketball, Faye goes to the Lockwood's to use Tyler's shower and spend time with him.

The couple end up having a steamy shower together. Carol doesn't care what they do once they're in Tyler's room, she likes Faye and trusts both of the teens. When they do have sex, Tyler uses protection and if he doesn't, he pulls out so he doesn't get Faye pregnant. Neither one of them are ready for a baby at seventeen. Faye wants to be out of college and a news reporter before she even thinks about a baby.

After spending a few hours with Tyler and his family, Faye returns home to Laney. She and her mother sit on the couch.

"Tell me about your day," Laney says with a grin.

Faye begins with the school day and then the basketball practice. She talks about going for ice cream with the team and having dinner at Lori's. About her and Lori becoming best friends. Then she tells her about spending time with Tyler, Carol, and the mayor.

Laney tells Faye about her day, too. About the fact she went to the Virginia state prison to visit James that morning. To say James was surprised Laney came back to Virginia would be an understatement, the man nearly had a heart attack then and there. James does regret being abusive but he fears he hasn't changed.

Laney also tells Faye about her new bartending job at the Grill, she wanted to work and make a living to support the both of them and pay the bills to the apartment.

"This is nice," Laney says after both females are done explains their days. "Telling each other about our days afterwards."

"Why did Rudy call you to come home instead of watching me?" Faye asks curiously.

"Because Rudy has to focus on raising Bonnie since Abby left," Laney replies. "I'm your parent, your mom. It's my right to raise you. While I was in New Orleans, I wished for nothing but to have taken you from James."

"Why didn't you?" Faye asks.

"Do you know vampires exist?" Laney asks..

"I do, one saved my life from another the night before James and I moved here," Faye replies. "He's my friend now."

"Good," Laney smiles and it falls. "There was a vampire in New Orleans hat kept me from bringing you with me. You'd have triggered your curse out of anger toward Marcel. He is terrible. Hates werewolves."

"Sorry vampires," Faye grumbles. "I'm going to bed, mom. I love you."

"I love you, too," Laney says and they both go to their rooms.

Faye texts Tyler and Lori, telling them goodnight before she goes to bed.

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