Chapter 31

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After talking to Rose for a bit longer about Klaus, Stefan called Elena to have her come over. As soon as Rose mentioned the name klaus, Faye texted Lori and had her come over, too. Rose is surprised by how many people are apart of their 'scooby gang'.

Someone knocks on the doorbell while Faye and Lori talk to Rose about the past. Rose us willingly talking to them.

"Hello, Elena."

"That's you're que," Faye winks at Rose. "Pre warning... Elena won't be too happy you're here."

"Thank you for the warning, Abigail," Rose claims.

"Rose, I told tou to call me Faye," Faye says. "I don't go by Abigail anymore."

Rose apologizes and she walks to where Elena is.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not," Rose says to everyone, they're all in the living room once again. "It's the problem with all this vampire crap bur Klaus, I know he's really."

"Who is he?" Elena asks.

"He's one fo the originals," Faye purrs, "he's a legend."

"From the first generation of vampires," Stefan adds.

"Like Elijah?" Elena inquires.

"No," Rose replies. "Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal."

"There you go, Faye," Lori teases.

"Shut up," Faye grumbles and her cheeks go darker as she blushes.

"Okay," Elena speaks up, "so you're saying the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?"

"Yes," Rose says at the same time Damon says 'no'.

"What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true..."

"Which it is," Rose says.

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you..."

"Which I'm not," Rose frowns.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe," Damon says as he looks at Elena.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right?" Lori asks.  "So no one else know that you exist."

Rose has filled the Salvatore's, Lori, and Faye in on the face Elena is Katherine's doppelgänger. She even explained to them what a doppelgänger, it's the double of someone. It makes sense between Katherine and Elena, too, Faye and lorn both see it. Anybody would if they looked at them. They're like mirror images of each other.

"Not thst you know of," Rose says, replying to what Lori says.

"Not helping," Damon states.

"Look, I've never met anyone who's laid eyes on him," Stefan claims. "I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know, he could be some sort of stupid bedtime story."

"He's real and he doesn't give up," Rose declares. "If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot."

"Alright, we're shaking," Damon scoffs. "You made your point."

Faye and Elena soon leave wirh Lori to school, to find Morgan is already out of Mystic Falls. She left during the night and went to California... Morgan is on a plane, traveling across the country just to get away from the vampire drama. Faye and Lori both understand, but it's still sad. Lori finally cried over the breakup but she sucked it up as soon as she learned about Rose and Klaus.

Faye goes on into the school with Lori when Elena goes to find Caroline. Faye and Lori are laughing and shoving each other while Luka Martin, a new witch, looks at them.

"Who's that?" Luka asks Bonnie.

"That's my cousin, Faye," Bonnie replies.

Luka nods and he watches her walk with her friend. "Who's her friend?"

"Lori Maxwell," Bonnie says.

"What do you think of this drama that's around now?" Faye asks Lori.

"It's crazy," Lori replies. "But I think you'll end up wirhKlaus, whoever he is. You have a thing for badboys. Tyler? Damon?"

"Good point," Faye muses. "But Damon is sexual, we don't have a relationship, he told me that. Tyler cheatwd in me with Matt Donovan's mother, Kelly. I have the worst luck in guys."

"Try girls," Lori winks.

Faye smirks. "Want to go?"

Lori giggles. "Maybe."

Lori and Faye look at each other and they bust our laughing. They think of each other too much like siblings to do anything, so even if Faye does experiment with the female population for a bit, it wouldn't be wirh Lori. She loves her too much like a sister.

Faye and Lori see Caroline talking to Stefan about something. They leave then be as they head to the picnic tables. They have free period last block and then they're gone for the day. And Faye has to work with the interim mayor today.

Faye goes to the Lockwood mansion after school and Carol happily let her in. Carol makes them some tea first and then they head into the office for their mayor type work. Faye likes working here; she liked working for Richard, but she prefers working for Carol.

Richard had a bad habit of flirting with Faye when he was alive and they were alone in his office during work hours. Faye couldn't stand it, she was repulsed by it. She told Carol, and Carol told her not to come back until she was in that office and she is.

Carol smiles warmly at Faye. "Let's get busy."


Faye goes to the grill with Bonnie after school because Lorinis supposed to have some type of basketball practice and then some training with Alaric. Bonnie and Faye are passing Luka's table, where he sits with an older male.

"Hey, Bonnie," Luka greets. "Faye."

"Hey, Luka," Bonnie greets and Faye nods. "How was your first day?"

"It was good," Luka replies. "I would like to introduce you to my dad."

"Hi, I'm Bonnie Bennett," Bonnie says with a smile. "This is Faye Bennett."

"Doctor Martin, Jonas Martin," the older man says. "It's nice to meet you Bonnie and Faye Bennett. Would you guys like to join us?"

"I'm getting me some food, Bonnie might," Faye says. "Her 'friend' isn't here yet."

"It was nice meeting you anyways, Faye," Jonas says with a genuine smile.

"You too, Doctor Martin," Faye replies and she goes to a table alone.

Faye yawns as she walks into her house that night and she hears her computer ringing from her bedroom. The teen groans and she spots her mother's name. This makes her smile and accept the call. Faye talks to Laney and John for a while until she can barely keep her eyes open. That's when she ends the call and goes to bed.

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