Chapter 17

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                            With her phobia of storms, Faye is hoping to stay in today. She's at the Lockwood mansion still, Laney told her to stay wherever she is until the storm blows over. And of course, neither Richard or Carol cared that Faye was there. They both adore her.

Faye stares out Tyler's bedroom window as the wind blows against the window. It's raining and Tyler wraps his arm around Faye from behind, causing her to gasp.

"Laney told us about your fear," Tyler whispers. "You're okay, babe. I got you."

Faye turns and she buried her face into Tyler's chest. Tyler wraps his arms around Faye, making himself her security blanket as he kisses her on the forehead.

Faye goes downstairs and Carol offers her a motherly smile as she pours another cup of hot tea. Faye smiles in awe as she walks over to the counter. Mayor Lockwood soon joins them in a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeved navy blue shirt.

"You look good casual, mayor Lockwood," Faye muses.

"I know," Richard replies with a playful smirk. "Hello, honey," he greets as he kisses his wife. "Any coffee made?"

"In the pot, dear," Carol replies with a warm smile.

Richard hums as he walks to the coffee pot as Tyler enters the kitchen. He grabs the second coffee cup Richard got out of the cabinet and both Lockwood males get themselves some coffee while Carol drinks her coffee with Faye.

Richard, Faye, and Tyler hurry into the Grill to get out of the rain after Richard called ahead; mayor Lockwood convinced Faye to get out in the storm. He had to promise almost one hundred times to keep her safe before she agreed, literally. They stop by Anna and a woman, Damon told Faye about Anna's mother. Pearl.

"Hey, you're not going out in that, are ya?" Mayor Lockwood asks. "The roads are dangerous. Route 5 is completely flooded."

"We'll make due," Pearl claims.

"Mayor Lockwood, we have your table ready," the waitress claims.

"Great," Tyler mumbles from where she stands, an arm wrapped around Faye's waist.

"Mayor... Lockwood, is it?" Pearl asks as she faces him. "I suppose it is treacherous outside. My name is Pearl."

"Hi," Richard greets her.

"This is my daughter, Anna," Pearl introduces. "We've recently just moved to town."

"Welcome... Richard Lockwood," mayor Lockwood says. "This is my son, Tyler, and his girlfriend Abigail. Please - - please, join us."

"It would be a pleasure," Pearl replies and walks ahead.

"Be more creepy dad," Tyler retorts. "Not like your son is standing right here."

"Grow up," Richard remarks. "Elections are coming. She's a constituent. And a rich one, from the looks of it."

"You can tell all that by looking at her ass?" Tyler asks when Faye notices her friends waving at her. "Awesome. I'm gonna shoot some pool."

"I'm gonna go say hi to Morgan and Lori," Faye says. "See you in a few, mayor Lockwood."

Richard smiles at her before joining Pearl.

"Hey!" Faye greets as she sits at Morgan and Lori's table. "How's the coupling going?"

"We miss you!" Lori coos. "How's Tyler's?"

"Good," Faye replies. "I got a job."

"Doing what?" Morgan asks energetically, she's even smiling.

"Mayor Lockwood's assistant," Faye replies. "I mean, it's only part time, but still. It's a job."

Lori and Morgan both congratulate her and talk about how Morgan was thrown the team. She is tired of the hypocrite known as Logan hating on her. Morgan even passed a drug test when Logan didn't, Logan told Coach Maxwell that Faye stole Logan's pee so that she could 'pass' and ended up failing. So, Phoebe kicked Morgan off the basketball team.

"Who's that woman with mayor Lockwood?" Lori asks, referring to Pearl.

"A vampire from the tomb Damon mentioned," Faye replies. "And she's certainly not Mrs. Lockwood."

"That's too bad," Morgan replies. "Does she know her husband is a whore?"

Faye laughs. "Hell, I've seen Mrs. Lockwood flirt with Damon on multiple occasions."

"Good taste, then," the bisexual Morgan muses. "Damon is hot."

"I'm into only girls and I think he's hot," Lori states. "Mrs. Lockwood might be a flirt, but she has good taste."

Faye giggles at both of her friends and she agrees. She looks at the pool tables, Tyler is playing with Matt. She's glad that the two can go about doing their own thing without clinging to each other like sloths. She likes this.

Faye turns back to her friends and they talk about the supernatural. Vampries and werewolves.

Faye and Tyler are half way through their burgers when Richard's phone rings. He puts it to his ear and listens.

"Alright, give me ten minutes and keep it out of ur news until I get get there," Richard demands and hands up. "Grab your stuff, guys. We gotta go."

"Kinda half half a burger left," Tyler says as Faye obeys, putting her hoodie on.

"They found Vicki Donovan," Richard demands.

"Where was she?" Faye asks as her stomach drops, Tyler looks scared for Vicki b

"Storm unearthed a grave off county road," Richard replies and Faye's stomach drops even more as Tyler's face falls. "They just brought her body down to the morgue."

"Wait, she's dead?" Jeremy asks from behind them, shocked.

"Come on, we gotta go."

Tyler and Faye hurry out of the grill with Richard, Faye isn't even worried about the weather.

'Why didn't Damon tell me Vicki was dead?' Faye asks herself as she gets into the mayor's car with him and Tyler.

Faye lays in herb bed with Tyler as he cries onto her lap. She combs her fingers through his hair; she knows Tyler thought s lor of Vicki. Faye knows he moved on and was over her romantically, but he still thought a lot of her and she understands.

Faye hums a soft tune until Tyler talks asleep and Laney pokes her head in.

"Are we moving into Sheila's old place?" She asks.

Faye nods. "Tomorrow," she whispers.

Laney nods and she goes to begin packing.

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