Chapter 20

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                         "Damon just texted me," Faye says to her mother as the sun rises, both ladies pulled an all nighter talking about the past couple of days. "He and Elena locked Stefan up. He lost control on human blood."

"Poor guy," Laney coos. "Stefan is probably going crazy in that cellar or wherever he's locked away at."

"Yeah, probably," Faye replies with a sigh. "I'm going to swing by the boarding house later and check on him if Elena's okay with it. I know Damon won't care if I'm there but still. I might text both him and Elena to be sure it's okay."

"That's a good idea, love," Laney coos. "You should always check with the girlfriend and brother first before visiting Stefan."

Faye pulls her phone out with her mother's words glued to her head.

To: D. Salvatore
Can I come over and visit Stefan later?

To: Elena Gilbert
Can I visit your boyfriend at the boarding house later? He's a friend.

"I texted them both," Faye says to Laney. "I'm gonna go shower and attempt to straighten this mess."

"Sorry about all the hair spray," Laney claims with a laugh.

"No, you're not," Faye winks. "You wanted this laugh."

Laney laughs out loud, agreeing with Faye's words. Faye rolls her eyes playfully and she heads toward the bathroom.

After getting permission from both Elena and Damon, Faye does stop by the boarding house for a short amount of time. Damon brings her down to the basement and toward the cellar. Stefan is in one of the rooms, the same room Damon was locked away in after the founder's party ordeal a while back when he was wirh Caroline.

Faye looks in om Stefan while standing beside Elena as Damon heads back upstairs. 

"I'm glad you're his friend," Elena claims. "He needs them."

"We all do," Faye whispers. "I'll see you later; thank you for letting me see him."

Elena smiles before Faye the stairs. Damon pulls Faye into a tight hug and rests his face into her hair before he lets her leave.

Faye goes to the Grill after school and she spots her mother having dinner with Elena's uncle John. Faye could've sworn John was just at Elena's... she shrugs it off.

"Faye! Come here, love," Laney says over the noise the other patrons are making.

Faye sighs and grumbles a few choice words under her breath. She had hoped to be here to hang out alone for a little bit and leave. She walks over to where her mom and John are.

"John, this is my daughter, Abigail," Laney introduces. "Faye, this... is my new boyfriend, John Gilbert."

"Boyfriend?" Faye raises an eyebrow. "Okay, then. John, don't call me Abigail. Call me Faye."

John nods his head. "Faye it is, then. It's nice to meet you."

"You too," Faye grumbles. "I'll let you two finish your date."

Faye goes to a table alone and orders some steak fries, no burger or any type of meat today. She just found out her mother is dating her friend's uncle. Faye texts Elena and tells her immediately until Lori and Morgan show up.

"Who's that with your mother?" Lori asks.

"Her new boyfriend, John Gilbert," Faye replies. "She just introduced us."

Morgan grimaces. "Is he nice?"

"Don't know, just met him," Faye replies. "There must be something there because mom seems to really like him. He can't be no worse than James was."

"Good point," Lori replies to that as the platter of steak fries come.

"Help me eat them," Faye pleads. "Please?"

Lori and Morgan agree with ease, and the three friends sit around their table at the grill, eating fries.

When Laney leaves the grill, Pearl joins John at his table. Faye sighs, she knew he was too good to be true. John excuses himself and he goes to sit with a now alone Faye.

"I am not cheating on your mother," John informs her. "Pearl is for business. Trust me, okay?"

Faye looks at Pearl, who looks professional and not flirty. "Alright. I'll trust you. But you hurt my mom, I can do you much worse than James did me. Got it?"

John smiles. "Got it." The man gets up and returns to his table after that.

Faye and her friends meet up again at Faye's house. Faye is beyond glad Grams left her this house. That apartment was nice and all, but she feels more... free in this house. It's a small two bedroom, but it's livable and homey.

Faye goes to the kitchen and grabs three cokes before returning to the living room with Morgan and Lori. They sit around watching Friends on the tv.

"This whole ordeal about Stefan has me genuinely scared of him," Faye admits. "He isn't able to control himself."

"I heard," Morgan replies. "I'm sorry. Is Stefan going to be okay?"

"Eventually, if Elena or Damon can get through to him," Faye replies. "I'm sure Elena will be able to get to him. Stefan loves her."

"And she loves him," Lori coos. "Look, Ross and Rachel'snfirst kiss!" She shrieks like a fangirl.

While Lori and Morgan are huge Ross and Rachel fans, Faye thinks Ross is toxic for Rachel, she ships his Rachel Green wirh Joey Trobianni, her personal favorite one of the group of friends on the tv show.

"I prefer with the non toxic Joey," Faye states. "You guys know this."

"We know," Lori and Morgan say in sync.

Faye and her friends hang around together for a few more hours until the girls had to go home. Faye goes to her room before Laney returns and she dresses for bed. The teen drops into her bed and goes to bed. Sleeping like a baby.

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