First Time

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edit: theres so many views on this!!!

thank you guys 🖤🖤🖤

Katara's POV

I know exactly what I'm going to do for Zuko and my one year anniversary. I am going to ask Aang if I can borrow Appa later today to take Zuko to his uncle! Zuko always says he was more of a father than his real father, and how much he misses him. It's perfect!

"Hey, Aang. Can I borrow Appa for today and Tomorrow?" I ask, making sure Zuko's not around.

"Uh, sure. Can I ask why?"

"I'm taking Zuko to see his uncle, as a gift," I whisper, just to make sure Zuko can't hear. "Also, can I'm taking him to a romantic spot."

"Oh, then for sure! That's so sweet of you Katara. He'll love it."

"Thank you soooo much, Aang!" I hug him tightly to show my gratitude. I walk out of the room, and head for Zuko's. "Zuko, let's go! I'm taking you to the spot of your gift!"

"Oh, now?" He says.

"Yes now, come on! we will be coming back at the end of the day tomorrow. Let's get moving!"

"Hold on, let me give you my gift. Here." He hands me the necklace I had my "North Pole water", as he likes to call it, in. "It glowed when I mixed it with normal water, so it should work the same."

"Oh, Zuko, thank you! This means so much to me!" I hug him as tight as I can. "Okay, let's go now! we have about an hour's ride on Appa, then when we're done at the first place we'll go to the second."

"Two places? Now I feel pathetic just getting you some fancy water." He says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"No way! Yours is definitely very good. It may not be much, but you thought of what I would love and got that for me. And that's why I love you." I kiss him on the cheek after saying that.

We get on Appa, and start having normal, uninteresting conversations.

"We're here!" I say, excitedly. "Appa, right down there." Appa flies down and lands on and open part of the area.

"No way! My uncle lives here!" He hugs me, then kisses me on the lips. "Thank you so much, Katara. I love you." He motions for me to come with him, and we start walking towards his uncle's tent. "Uncle! I haven't seen you in so long. And thanks to Katara, that streak ended."

"Katara, I knew I always liked you. Thank you for reuniting me with my nephew after so many months." Iroh says.

"No problem, General Iroh."

"Oh, please, call me Iroh, or Uncle Iroh if you really want to. Whatever makes you comfortable, Katara."

We stay there for a few hours, when Zuko finally says,

"Well, we better get going. Katara has another place to take me. It was great seeing you again, Uncle. I'll come back sometime soon."

"Goodbye, Zuko and Katara. Would you like some Jasmine tea for the road- er...air? I know that's your favorite, Zuko."

"No thank you, Uncle."

"And you, Katara?" Iroh says.

"No, but thank you for the offer. Bye, Iroh." I say.

We get on Appa and fly for about 30 minutes, landing near a small cabin with a perfect, dry spot for Appa in case it rains. This cabin was completely isolated, the only way you could get to it was from flying.

"Here we are, Zuko. A peaceful night together, without anything or anyone to bother us." I say.

"Just you and me, the whole night." He reiterates, with a smirk on his face.

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