Back in the Fire Nation

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Zuko's POV

After the boat ride home, Kat and I come home. We sit in a living room. We're sitting on the couch. Kat is wearing her red shirt and pants, similar to what she wore when she was in disguise in the Fire Nation.

The door swings open, and a woman who looks very worried comes in. One of our head guards.

"Sorry to disturb, Fire Lord Zuko and Katara, but there is an urgent matter. The Fire Nation is under attack." She says. Katara drops her water cup. "Invaders have started to take over Ember Island. General Iroh has instructed me to tell you that one of you should go there, and one of you should stay to protect the palace."

"Who is it? Who are the invaders?" Katara asks the woman.

"We don't know for sure, but it looked like they were bending muddy water. Could be earthbenders or waterbenders. But one of you must go, as soon as possible."

"I'll go." I say. "I'll go. You need to stay here."

"But, Zuko-"

"I should go. I know Ember Island like the back of my hand. You've only been there once or twice."

Yelling and fast footsteps come from down the hallway.

"Which one of you is going?" Another guard says. Katara looks at me with a worried look.

"Me." I say.

"Zuko, are you sure?"

"I'm very sure. You have to stay here." I turn and look at the guards. "How much time do I have?"

"10 minutes max. We need you to be there very soon, and with the time it takes to get there, you have about 10 minutes to get everything packed."

"That's all I need."

I rush out passed them, and Katara follows me.

"Zuko, I'm not so sure this is the best idea."

"I am." I say, entering our bedroom. I turn around and hug her, but quickly stop and start to shove things into a suitcase. My thoughts rush. Katara helps me pack.

"What do you think is happening?" She says, with a little bit of shakiness in her voice, making it sound like she's gonna cry.

"I don't know. Hopefully nothing too bad. The trip on the boat is about a day, so I'll be gone for at least a week, if we're being optimistic."

"But it'll probably be around 2 or more." She says. "Way more."

I stop packing and turn towards her. "Hey, it'll be okay. I'm gonna come back and everything is gonna be perfect again."

"How do you know that?" She snaps. I jump a little at the outburst. "I'm sorry. I just really want you to stay safe."

"I know. I'll be careful, I promise." I kiss her lightly on the lips, but she wraps her arms around my neck so I can't move. She kisses me very deeply. "Katara, I have to leave."

She starts to sob. "I don't want you to leave!" She says. "I don't want you to leave and never come back!"

"I'm gonna come back. I promise."

She moves her arms under mine and sobs into my chest. "Please do."

Tears start to swell in my eyes. "Don't worry, Kat. I'll come back. And we can send letters to each other while I'm gone."

"Okay." She sniffs a few times and starts to compose herself. I blink my tears away so I can be strong for her right now. There's knocking at the door. I sigh.

"Come in." I say. Uncle walks in.


"Do you need something?"

"Yes, you. You must leave now." He says. I hug Katara. "There's no time! Come now!"

"Bye, Zuko."

"Bye, Kat."

I leave the room with my luggage. Katara sits on the bed. Right before the door closes, I see her fall down so she's laying, and she starts to cry. That's the way I always lay her down. I have to do everything I can to get back to her. I walk onto the docs with my uncle.

"I'm staying here. Goodbye, nephew."

"Bye, Uncle." All these goodbyes feel like last ones. I get on the boat. Hopefully they're not waterbenders. They might sink the ships, I think.

There's 5 boats total going to Ember Island right now. I go into a room and lock the door. I sit on the bed. "Katara, please don't worry too much for me. And please be careful." I say aloud.

-time skip-

I arrive at Ember Island. Nothing seems to be happening at this side of it right now. Hopefully it stays that way.

I get off the boat. Someone else carries my bag for me. I stay on guard, looking all around me. I haven't firebent in a while. I make a small flame in my hand.

"Sorry, Fire Lord Zuko, it's for the best." The man holding my bag says. Just then, the bag hits me on the back of my head, knocking me to the ground.

"What the hell?" He hits me in the neck with his fist. I shoot fire at him, but it's very weak. Was this a setup? I stand up, and find my balance. He looks confused.

"How did that not knock you out?" He says.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that." I say with a smirk. I almost fall to the ground again, but I catch myself. I take deep breaths. I have to stay alive. I shoot fire at him. He bends the sand in front of him. "Sandbender."

"Nope." He says. What does he mean nope? He just bent the sand, did he not? Then he bends water at me. How did he do that? Doesn't matter. What does matter is that I need to defeat him.

"Can anybody help me?!" I scream. People come rushing off the boats. Some attack me. Others attack the guy in front of me and other people who are trying to hurt me. Water falls on top of everyone. "Why are you doing this?" I yell.

"I don't need to explain myself."

I shoot myself in the air with fire and go to the side of the battle. It looks so bad.

"Everybody stop!" I scream. Nobody stops. "Guys, please! We can solve the issue like civilized human beings!" Surprisingly, most of them stop. And the ones that don't are quickly stopped. "What is this all about?" The fighting starts again. I make a giant ball of fire around everyone. "Stop!" They all stop.

"Fire Lord Zuko only wants power for himself!" Someone calls out.

"No, that's not at all what I want. I want everyone to be treated equally."

im not about to come up with a shitty storyline because i cant so time skip everything is fine now everyone is in agreement after that

Just after everyone leaves the area, a Messenger Hawk lands on my head. I reach up so it can climb on my arm, and I open the container. Must be Katara. It reads;

Dear Zuko,

I don't know if you will ever get this letter. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. Nothing has happened over here yet. As far as I know, I'm safe. Please get back to me quickly.

Love you,

I have to write back to her. I find a pen and paper and start to scribble down what I want her to know. I don't want her to know everything yet. I want to surprise her with my early arrival.

Dear Katara,

I arrived to Ember Island safely. I am also safe as far as I know. I love you too. It's all gonna be fine. I promise.

I send the messenger hawk back and grab my luggage. I go to a small house. I will only really need to be here for a day or two, to make sure everything is running smoothly.

its crazy that this is a normal sized chapter after writing the last few but it is

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