It's So Much Better when Zuko Does it

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this chapter is gonna end up being zuko's pov because the last few of his havent been smut so yee

Katara's POV

Zuko and I have been sending notes for the past 2 days. He's been telling me everything that's going on. Right now, things are going well. He's safe. Other people are safe. Yet I'm still worried. He said he would be back in a week or 2. I miss him so much.

I'm sitting on the balcony, where the messenger hawk comes to deliver Zuko's letters to me, and vise versa. It usually comes right around now. I sit here and wait.

"Where is it, where is it?" I say quietly to myself. "It's usually already here by now!"

I wait a few more minutes. The messenger hawk finally shows up. There he is.



Things are getting better. The Fire Nation will stay safe from the invaders. I don't think I said this, but they turned out to be waterbenders.

I will be back as soon as I can, which is looking like a week now.

<3 Zuko


Thank goodness he's okay. I grab a piece of paper.



I'm glad you're doing well. I can't wait for you to get back. I miss you so much. If you were here, I would be so much happier.

<3 Kat


I go back inside. It's almost time for dinner. These past few days without Zuko here have been awful. We usually eat together. Now I'm not 100% sure if we ever will again. Probably, but not for sure.

I walk to the dining room.

pretend i wrote a good dinner scene

After I get back to my bedroom, I decide to take a shower. I go into the bathroom and take off my clothes. If only Zuko were here. I turn on the shower and look in the mirror while I let it heat up. I step into the shower and let the water get my hair wet.

yeah boring blah blah blah showering cleaning soap and stuff ok

I walk out of the shower and dry off, then lay down. I don't even bother putting a robe on. It's hot in here anyway. I just wish Zuko was here with me.

ok i know ive been doing a ton of these time skips but im sorry i have to 😰 anyway time skip to like a day later

I'm waiting outside for Zuko's letter to get here. It usually gets here before dinner, but now it's the time I would usually be going to sleep by now. Zuko, where is it? I bite my lip. I swear, if he was put into any sort of danger, I don't know what I'll do. I'll just go to bed, if I can even fall asleep.

Zuko's POV

I'm coming back home early. I didn't tell Kat. I want to surprise her, but I hope I don't worry her too much. I didn't send her a letter before dinner time like I usually do.

I arrive back to the Fire Nation. Guards follow me as I walk quickly to my bedroom. I stop down the hallway.

"You can go back to your job now, thank you," I say, trying to sound polite, but rushing to see Kat. I continue to walk down the hallway, and stop at the door to my bedroom. I open it quietly, in case she's asleep. I don't want to wake her. I can be there as a surprise when she wakes up.

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