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this is another filler kinda because the next part is gonna be like a little while after (after sozins comet and aang defeating ozai)and zuko and katara will be fire lords
but this is just me summarizing very badly what happens in this time to remind u

They go to the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun and fail and then on Sozin's comet they get there and Aang gets hit right in the chakra and he can go back into the Avatar state then he takes away Ozai's bending and then he goes to prison.

Meanwhile Zuko and Azula are having an Agni Kai with really sad music behind it because they both grew up in an abusive household and suffer from many mental illnesses.

Blah blah blah now Zuko is Fire Lord and he gets married to Katara and they live happily ever after having sex and stuff.

Ok moving on to the smut in the next chapter

also if u recommend other ships for atla i might do them unless i dont then i will not

some ships are just not what i like

also i am aware that i fucked the timeline of the show

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