Vacation (part 1)

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Katara's POV

Zuko and I have been working so hard for almost two years now, with no vacations. We finally found the time to, leaving Uncle Iroh in charge for a few weeks. We both trust him, and so does everyone we are friends with.

We're packing for the boat right now, gathering everything we will need. Instead of having guards around us at all times, we're going by ourselves. It's a private island, no one can go there unless we allow it.

"I'm excited to have alone time for once." I say, breaking the silence that has existed for a few minutes.

"Me, too. The only other time it's been just you and me is when we went to that one cabin thing before Aang ended the war." He responds.

"Yeah, and that was only a few days. This time it'll be like 2 weeks."

"Yeah. Are you almost done packing? I'm just about done."

"Yeah, almost. Just have a few more things to grab then we can leave."

-on the boat-

Zuko and I are sitting in a room on the boat, with a wide bed and a nightstand, with all our belongings in the corner. I'm laying with my head on Zuko's lap, and he's sitting against the wall. He's playing with my hair. We've barely said a word, but it's relaxing. The sound of the water, Zuko touching my hair, everything about this. I will remember this forever. After a while, he unexpectedly stops and picks my shoulders up. He moves out from under me and sets me back down. I look at him confused, and he opens the door. He yells something that I wasn't paying attention to, and then closes and locks the door. I sit up, hopefully thinking the same thing he is.

"This boat ride is taking too long. I want you. Now." He says, sitting next to me and grabbing my cheek. We kiss, and Zuko leans back against the metal wall. I break the kiss to sit on his lap, and start to kiss him again. He takes my top off, and sets it next to us. Not a minute passes, and he picks me up and moves me to the side of the bed. He takes my pants off.

"You're very quick today." I say. "Usually you take your time."

"I already told you that this boat ride is taking way too long." He bends over and kisses me, and kisses along my jawline, and down my neck, giving me small hickeys to mark me as his. He is the only one who could ever know that I moan softly when you nibble on the crook of my neck. Or that I get weak when he moves a certain way inside me. Or where my sweet spot is. He is the only one I will ever want. He is the only one I would ever let myself be vulnerable around.

He kisses down my chest, stomach, and lands at my waist. He spreads my legs, and slowly licks me. I think his favorite thing is making me impatient. He continues to slowly lick me, probably waiting for me to say something. He licks my clit, still staying in his slow pace. I let out little moans, resisting the urge to beg. That's what he wants. Once you beg, you won't be able to stop. He'll get impatient eventually, too. In a long time... I try to stop moaning, by controlling how I breathe. My moans are a bit quieter, but I can't fully get rid of them.

"I know what you're doing, and it's not gonna work. You're too easy for me." He moves his tongue in a way that throws off my whole breathing thing and makes me moan louder for a second. Dammit! It took me so long to breathe calmly! I lift my head up and glare, and he quickly does the same thing, making me moan louder again. "See? Too easy." He laughs. I groan in annoyance, which morphs into a moan. "You can keep trying to stop moaning. See how that goes for you while I'm the one who is in control of you."

I lift up my head. "You're so annoying." I say, half jokingly and half seriously. He does the same thing but more intensely, making me throw my head back. "Fuck you. Actually, you won't let me!" I say. I made the mistake of lifting my head up again to say that, because he made me do the same thing. He laughs at what I said. Then, he stops to take his shirt off. Did not begging actually work? However, he just puts his mouth back on me. This time, he slowly slips a finger inside me, and moves it at the same slow pace his tongue is going. Damn. Now if I try to say anything, he can move his finger, too! No more talking, Katara. No more talking! Never mind, I'm too impatient. "Ok, I've been trying to resist, but I can't. Zuko. Please. Fuck me. Please, I want you so bad."

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