Dinner with the Gaang

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This isn't smut, sorry guys. Most things will be though, but I just wanted to make a filler chapter. Plus, it makes it easier for me because I make a chapter for you and don't have to make it smut. if u didnt know then (in my opinion at least) making smut is hard because i cant make it too repetitive but i cant make it suuuper different every time. I hope you still enjoy tho!!

Zuko's POV

I think I've been making Katara uncomfortable since we got back yesterday. She seems to be a bit uneasy around the others now. I'll ask her about it when I get the chance.

We're all eating in silence. Aang is eating freshly smoked nuts and some cabbages, Sokka and Toph are eating fish, and Katara is just sitting there, staring at her lap in embarrassment. I'm eating smoked nuts as well. I kinda feel bad. This is all my fault. On top of that, everyone knows we have sex now. What was I thinking?! Oh right, I wasn't! I've ruined everything again.  I'm so bad at being good!

"So," I say in attempt to start a conversation. "How are you guys doing?"

"Awesome. This fish is so good," Sokka says. "How do you like it, Toph?"

"It's good. Nothing compared to the food I used to eat with my family, but that's the way I like it." She responds. I thought Toph would totally be calling me out, but she's pretending like it never happened, which is good, because I see Kat get a little more relaxed.

"Yeah, this cabbage and nuts sure are great! I got the cabbage from a nice man with a cart. After I bought them I flew away and accidentally knocked over his cart." Aang laughs when he talks. Aang is so cute. Not in a romantic way, in a little brother way. A wholesome way. This is where my real family is. I love everyone in this little group that we have.

We all laugh a bit at his brief story. Katara picks up some nuts and starts to eat them. She is looking better now. I'm glad that we can all just pretend that never happened. We're all quiet again, with just sounds of crunching cabbage leaves and nuts, with the occasional clank of a fork and a knife for the fish.

"How did you guys like the movie?" Aang says, trying to make it not so quiet in here.

"It was enjoyable. I liked that it was realistic. I also like that the woman got to be with her family again. She's still traumatized, of course, but at least she is home now." Kat says.

Then Toph says, "I liked it, too. And I can watch TV now, too. I can feel the static electricity and molecules. I still can't see the color, but I can feel it."

"It was ok," Sokka says with fish in his mouth. "I didn't like the part with the toy truck. It made me mad."

"Yeah, that part was a bit annoying. You could see that Joy's face was very hurt and sad. She just wanted to get out of that shed." I say. "It was a very good movie, though. I would definitely watch it again."

"Me, too." Katara says. "Also it had Brie Larson cast as a main character, and she played Captain Marvel. It's so cool to see how different Joy Newsome and Captain Marvel's personalities are." Everyone nods in agreement, except Toph. She doesn't usually do things that you would have to see to understand. She doesn't make eye contact and she doesn't have to look at what she's doing.

We're sitting in silence again. How did our conversations flow before?

"We should probably be mapping out how we're going to invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun." Aang says.

"Good idea." Sokka says. "Hey, I just realized something! You know how the moon blocks the sun? And how all of our friends are helping us defeat the Fire Lord?" We all nod (except Toph). "The moon is helping us too!"

"What?" Katara questions.

"The moon. We're friends with her! Yue is the moon! She is helping us the most I would say."

"Oh yeah! Yue is helping us! That's so cool." Aang says.

"Who's Yue?" I say.

"Yeah I've never heard of them." Toph states.

"She was the princess of the Northern Water Tribe. When Zhao killed the moon spirit at the North Pole, Yue had some of it's energy in her. She turned into the moon to save us all." Katara explains.

"Oh." I say. "That makes more sense." There's a few seconds of silence. "Anyway, how many people will be there helping us?"

"Well, we have the people from the swamp, so three. Then we have our tribe's warriors. We have earthbenders from Ba Sing Se, and the people from the place where Toph used to fight other earthbenders. The Boulder, Hippo, and all them. And we have ourselves. I think that's all. It's more than it sounds." Aang says.

"And we have Yue." Sokka says. I don't know why he keeps bringing her up, we just went over the fact that she's helping us.

"Yes, and Yue." Katara says.

"What am I missing here?" I ask. "Was there something between Sokka and Yue?"

"No. Kinda. Ok yes, but-- it's complicated." Sokka says.

"Sokka feels like he failed at protecting her. Her father wanted him to, and when she sacrificed herself to become the moon spirit, Sokka felt like he failed her." Katara explains.

"That explains why Sokka was so trembly when he brought up Yue." Toph says, elbowing him.


"Oh come on, Sokka. That didn't hurt. You're such a pussy." Toph says.

"Well clearly it did. I am not a pussy! I am a dick!" Sokka says. Everyone just kinda stares at him. "Wait no! Not a dick! I'm...I'm just not a pussy! I am brave."

"Yeah, and Zuko and Katara don't have sex." Toph says sarcastically. Kat's face turns a deep red, and I just have an uncomfortable face.

"Yeah, they don't." Sokka says.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself."

"Anyway, changing the subject." Aang says. "Hey, where's Momo? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Yeah, not that I think of it, he hasn't been around lately." I say.

"We should look for him. He couldn't have gotten far, I just saw him about an hour ago." Aang says. We all get up and look in different spots. Aang jumps upstairs using airbending, Kat looks on the main floor, Sokka goes to the basement where his and Toph's rooms are, Toph stands up and tries looking for him, and I go outside. I look around in the bushes, as there are sweet berries that Momo would like in them. I walk around for a bit, and see Aang on the roof looking for him. "HI ZUKO!" He yells from the roof down to me. I wave at him.


"I know, I know." I say. I don't know why he's yelling so loud. He doesn't have to be. I walk by Appa and start looking around him. I see something move in between his front legs. It's Momo's ear! "Look! This is so cute. Momo is on Appa! They're napping together." Aang hops down.

"That's so cute! I'm glad we know where he is now." He says. We walk in and Aang yells "WE FOUND HIM! HE WAS WITH APPA!!!" We all gather on the couch, Momo sitting on Aang's lap while he pets him.

We continue to have casual conversations, until it's time to go to bed.

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