Chapter 3

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//gonna do a little time skip cause nothing interesting happens until the Baudelaires arrive

Cyanna's POV

I had read a little chunk of the book. I had to give it back to Larry though I don't know why but he asked me too. So I did.

Duncan, Isadora and I got a message from Carmelita to go to vice principal nero's office.

We knocked on his door and he opened it. "You guys will no longer live in the orphan shack you will live in the broom closet there was some new orphans that arrived"

We all shrugged "Uhm alright" I said "Thank you?"

He shooed is off and we went to eat. We sat down together.

"Baudelaires theres some open seats at my table" Carmelita said loudly. My head turned I saw Violet, Sunny and Klaus. "But I'm afraid it's a cakesniffer free zone"

"Here we go again" Isadora rolled her eyes.

"Cakesniffing orphans in the orphan shack!" Carmelita shouted and repeated as the whole cafeteria joined in. Isadora Duncan and I got up and walked over.

"Leave them alone Carmelita" Duncan said "Your the cakesniffer and nobody in the right mind would wanna eat with you anyways"

"Come sit with us" Isadora offered. They looked at her and followed us back to our table.

"You have to forgive Carmelita" Duncan said "Shes so awful Miss Bass is considering a life of crime"

"She does it to all the orphans in the school" I said.

"My sister wrote a poem about her" Duncan smiled looking over at Isadora.

"I would rather eat a bowl of vampire bats then spend a hour with Carmelita Spats" she said I looked over and smiled.

"That's a couplet" Klaus said. I smiled proudly but no one noticed I was proud Klaus was still smart and noticed the little things

"I'm Isadora Quagmire and this is my brother Duncan and this is our friend Cassidy Jones" I smiled softly.

"I'm Violet Baudelaire this is my brother Klaus and my sister sunny" she smiled wide.

"It's nice to meet you" Duncan said gazing in her eyes. Violet smiles shyly. And Sunny mumbled.

"We should warn you about the apples they taste like horseradish" Isadora said

"The food here is alright" I said.

"Everything seems distasteful in this place"

Isadora smiles awkwardly "I hope your surviving the orphan shack"

"It's pretty awful we where living there until yesterday" Duncan said.

Klaus looked at the three of us "You're orphans too"

"My parents got ill... and now I'm here" I lied. I felt horrible.

"We lost our parents in a terrible fire... and our brother Quigley" Isadora smiles sadly.

"We where triplets" Duncan said.

"Where very sorry to here that" Violet said comforting.

"We lost our parents in a fire as well" Klaus said "And my twin sister Cyanna"

"I'm so sorry" Isadora said we all nodded in agreement.

"Its not fair one minute your safe and happy and home" Klaus said sadly "And the next-"

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now