Chapter 17

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Cyanna's POV

I ended up sneaking back into my hotel room where Duncan, Quigley and Isadora where. They looked up confused.

"There's a lot to tell you" I said walking over to them. "Frank and Ernest are triplets not twins, I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you any of this but you've helped me and you deserve to know, there's a secret library a sub library which means it's under water so if the hotel was to burn down the work would be safe it's under the pond, Dewey runs it he's Ernest and Frank's triplet, well he did run it there's been a terrible accident Olaf found us he had a harpoon gun, we where able to get it out of his hands Poe walked out on the scene and we dropped it... you can guess what happened to Dewey" They where silent for a few moments. I didn't know what to say either.

Quigley broke the silence "Why didn't anyone know about Dewey?"

"I guess his work was secret and so was he I don't know everything" I sighed.

To this very day I wonder what would of happened if we didn't drop the harpoon gun, if we did help Count Olaf, but I guess I'll never know. It was just another part of our miseries.

"'Maybe we should get some sleep if the trial is tomorrow" Duncan suggested. I nodded and looked at Isadora we got up and went to the bathroom to change and the boys stayed out to change.

"Isadora I gotta tell you something but you can't tell anyone or Duncan that I told you" I whispered as we started changing.

"Yeah of course you can what is it?" Isadora asked.

"So Duncan and I where eating breakfast and uh we finished and we kissed" I whispered.

"What?" Isadora squealed.

"Shh shhh" I shushed her "I just know how Duncan feels about Violet and I don't know if he actually meant the kiss or not"

"I think he's over Violet especially since there's something between Quigley and Violet" she pointed out.

I nodded "Thanks Isadora" we finished changing and waited for the boys to say it's good to come out we walked out. Isadora and I got in one bed and Quigley and Duncan got in the other. I pretty much instantly fell asleep until I was woken a few hours later by Duncan.

"Cyanna come I need to show you something" He said. I nodded and got up quietly. He walked me over to the window of the hotel room and slid the window open he pushed the screen out and climbed out I climbed out after him.

"Someone told me you liked stargazing" he said and smiled.

"Quigley?" I asked "and yeah I do"

"Yeah Quigley told me you did so here we are" he said nervously. I looked at the sky and smiled. "I needed to ask you something" he said. I looked at him.

"You can ask me anything" I said and smiled softly.

"Do you like, like me?" He asked nervously.

I looked back at the sky "Yes I realized after the D.Q + V.B" I said.

"You saw that..." he whispered.

I looked at him "Yes" I replied.

"I'm sorry-" he said "I really am"

"Don't be" I replied "It's in the past"

"Thank you for understanding" he said and smiled.

"The question is Duncan do you like me?" I asked looking at him.

Duncan looked back and smiled "Yeah I didn't realize right away either, I guess Quigley liking Violet and them kissing made me realize"

I smiled "Well I'm glad you realized" I said.

"Me too" he smiled at me "So uhm ive actually never had a girlfriend so is this like official now"

I chuckled softly "I guess so" I smiled and we kissed again. "We should keep it a secret for a little bit, we don't need the whole world knowing where together and that I'm and that I'm actually alive not dead"

"I strongly agree" he said and smiled. I nodded and we watched the stars together. Before we realized it was really late and we needed more sleep.

We went back inside and got back to bed.

The next morning. We got ready for the trial. We put our blindfolds on headed down to the court room inside the hotel.

We found our seats I sat between Klaus and Violet, the quagmires behind us.

"Remember if anyone peaks they will be held in contempt court" Justice Strauss reminded us. "Is everyone seated you may remove your blindfolds"

We all removed our blindfolds. Skipping some of the boring stuff. "I call our first witnesses That's you Baudelaires" Justice Strauss said signaling us to the seats we got up and sat down. "Please state you name, we know them of course it's just standard procedure"

"Violet Baudelaire" Violet said.

"Klaus Baudelaire" Klaus said.

"Cyanna Baudelaire" I said.

"Sunny Baudelaire" Sunny said.

"Occupation" Justice Strauss asked.

"Inventor" Violet replied.

"Researcher" Klaus replied.

"Examiner" I replied.

"Chef" Sunny replied.

"I object!" Count Olaf yelled "The correct Occupation is orphan or inheritor of a large fortune"

"Your objection is noted but I caution the defendant about speaking out of turn" Justice Strauss said.

"Is this out of turn?" Olaf asked.

"Yes" Justice Strauss replied. "Baudelaires you have traveled a great distance and suffered a great deal but you are finally safe among friends and associates, classmates and coworkers, faculty members, and countless neighbors, reporters, theater goers, fashionistas, doctors, nurses, carnivals guests, mountain climbers, telegraph operators and deep sea divers they have been watching you, all along the way and are here to speak on your be half but the most important testimony is yours go on baudelaires tell us your story this time we promise to listen"

"It began when our parents told us to take a rickety trolley to briny beach" Violet explained.

"It was a grey and cloudy day so we had the beach to ourselves" Klaus added.

"We where testing a invention when we saw a figure in the mist it was Mr Poe from the bank" Violet said "He told us-" she stopped.

"He told us our parents have perished in a terrible fire along with our sister Cyanna" Klaus said looking at Violet then Mr Poe let out a sigh. "We went to live with Count Olaf"

"He hit Klaus across the face!" Violet said in a sort of Shout.

"He tried to Marry Violet!" Klaus said yelling. "He poisoned uncle Monty"

"He threw Aunt Josephine to the leeches" Violet said.

"He conspired with Esmé Squalor" Klaus said.

"And Carmelita Spats!" Violet added.

"He kidnapped three Quagmire triplets" I said.
"He murdered Jacques Snicket!"

"He tried to cut off Violet's head" Klaus yelled. "H-he threw"

"He threw a brave and noble librarian to the lions" Violet said. "Everywhere we went we tried to tell people who he was and what he was capable of"

//you pretty much know the rest of what they said so yeah haha.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now