Chapter 23

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November 1st, 1970

Cyanna's POV

We where just about 10, Klaus and I. 2 days before our tenth birthday.

For having a big fortune, and you'd probably think we where spoiled. Each of us got one gift for our birthday, anything we wanted. Klaus always asked for books or something he could read.

I liked things I could solve, like a Riddle book or puzzles. Cause I liked looking at things and figuring it out. For my tenth birthday though, Klaus suggested something to me, something he read about. It's a novel, I did and still do like reading but it wasn't my thing. And it was a old novel first written in 1865.

It was called "Alice in Wonderland" it was about a girl named Alice who followed a rabbit and fell down a hole. She met all these creatures, like a talking cat, and the mad hatter, queen of hearts and many others, who all lived in this land, that was different from where we live, it was beautiful and was full of adventures.

I'd always love to be Alice in that story. But not the point the reason why I'm telling you this is because I didn't realize it then but this story had something I didn't know I'd be asking myself.

"It would be so nice if something made sense for a change"

Now most people say everything happens for a reason. But it doesn't make sense why my parents died, and I had to be separated from my siblings. Or why Count Olaf started our home on fire and followed us place to place just to get our fortune and make our lives miserable. Now does that make sense. No it really doesn't in my mind.

We all attended a school Violet, Klaus and I, of course Sunny would of as well. It was like Prufrock not really but there where dorms and uniforms, but no orphan shack. The students where diverse with different ethnicities, races, backgrounds ect, but one thing we all had in common was we where all smart, smarter than most kids our age.

These stories have nothing in common, besides that you can find books in a school. But on November 1st 1972, a 'accident' happened at our school. Which now thinking back might not have been a accident.

Suddenly the fire alarms rang throughout the building. Of course as fourth graders we panicked a bit as our teacher lined us up and we walked outside the school.

And the reason I don't think this is just a school fire is because of how rich all the families who attended this school was. A large variety of them had fortunes.

After this accident my parents started homeschooling my siblings and I, maybe they where afraid I don't know.

But that's not what I'm talking about, I came here to talk about my tenth birthday, but I got off track.

After we told our parents what we wanted to drive too a nearby restaurant and ate dinner together as a family, then they took us home and gave us our gifts, I got Alice in Wonderland and Klaus got another book to his set.

Klaus told me to take my time in the book but I had read it in three days cause I fell in love with it. The reason why this book is so important is because It didn't burn like everything else i owned. I always kept the book on me and when my parents send me into the tunnel I took the book with me.

I still have it after everything the signatures of Bertrand and Beatrice Baudelaire written on the inside cover.

I'm happy where I am in life right now, but this book has been on my mind I gifted it to Beatrice for her 10th birthday which just happened and told her to hold onto it forever.

//dang that wasn't a very good chapter I didn't know what to write I am still taking ideas thank you

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