Chapter 15

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//this song is pretty self explanatory

Cyanna's POV

I woke Duncan up and we all got ready, there was a knock on our door we looked at each other I walked over to the door "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's us" I heard my brother Klaus say from behind the door I opened it.

I hugged them all and saw Quigley I smiled "There in here" I whispered as I hugged him. Quigley walked in and looked at his siblings.

"Quigley" Isadora whispered they all hugged each other and I smiled. I let my siblings inside and then when the quagmires where done reuniting Isadora hugged Klaus and Duncan hugged Violet. I smiled, it was a finally a peaceful moment in our lives.

"A girl named Kit Snicket told us that there are two twins, Frank is on our side, Ernest is on the other" Violet said.

"Got it" I said

"Well we gotta go work to find out who J.S is so I guess I'll cya later" Klaus said and walked out with Violet, Sunny and Quigley.

"Do you guys wanna go get breakfast or something?" I asked them.

"Sure I'd love too" Duncan said with a smile we looked at Isadora.

"No thank I'm gonna work on some couplets" she replied, Duncan and I nodded and walked out of the room. We walked to the breakfast area and grabbed a plate of food.

"Shall we eat outside?" Duncan asked me "It's a beautiful day out"

"Of course" I smiled and we walked outside we sat on a fountain and ate. "It's a great feeling isn't it?" I looked at him.

"What is?" He asked me.

"The feeling that our miseries will be over soon" I said looking at him again "Where all together again, There taking Olaf on trial and there's not way he won't be charged for his crimes"

"It a amazing feeling" he said looking up into my eyes, I smiled gently and he smiled back. This reminded me of something a memory I had with my parents.

We where watching a romance movie in the living room. Klaus and I where six years old at the time. The couple in the show looked into each other's eyes, smiled and kissed. Klaus and I groaned "Eww"

"Kids kids it's not that gross" Our father said to us with a grin on his face.

"Yes it is!" Klaus said.

"I'm never gonna kiss anyone in my life!" I said with confidence "Never ever ever"

Duncan and I leaned in and kissed, the kiss lasted a few seconds, but it felt a lot longer, I was happy finally. We pulled away from each other and blushed softly. Neither of us knew what to say. So we sat there in silence.

//short cute chapter I hope you enjoyed this little chapter. There was even a kiss :) and a flashback. It's currently 3:40 am and I'm going to sleep night everyone!!!! Cya soon!
𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝓊𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 :𝗗

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