Chapter 11

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//the song is sad this time so Yeahhh cause her life is pretty sad also um I don't remember much from these episodes

Klaus's POV

"We have to turn back Violet!" Klaus yelled.

"The break is broken!" Violet shouted.

"So?!" Klaus jumped off the sled protecting his head, Violet and Sunny did the same.

Cyanna's POV

"I lost them again" I teared up and Quigley hugged me.

"I am so sorry Cyanna..." he whispered to me.

"You're not loosing is that easily" I heard Klaus say from a distance. I looked up.

"Klaus" I breathed out in relief, I stood up and hugged him.

Quigley stood up and he hugged violet. "Hey uhm where are we gonna go now?" I asked them.

"I uhm-" Violet said and looked around she pulled her hair back with the ribbon. "We can use dead tree bark to sled the rest of the way" she grabbed a big piece of bark and we all sat on it we sled all the way onto a icy ocean and the ice cracked. A small submarine came about water.

"What's the password" Someone asked. Quigley, Violet, Klaus, and I all started shouting random answers.

"Baudelaires" Sunny mumbled and we where let it.

We climbed in "Aye come in" someone said over the speakers. We soon stopped infront of a girl. "I'm Fiona Widdershins"

"Klaus-" he was cut off.

"I know who you are Violet, Klaus and Sunny" Fiona said and looked at Quigley and I "Duncan? And I'm sorry who are you"

"I'm not Duncan, It's Quigley, Quigley quagmire" Quigley said .

"That's impossible Quigley perished in a terrible fire" Fiona pointed out.

"Well I very much survived" Quigley said.

Fiona shrugged and looked at me "Cyanna, Baudelaire" I said.

"Shiver me timbers'" Fiona said "You're both alive"

"Yes we are alive" Quigley said looking over at me.

"Where looking for the last safe place" Violet
looked at Fiona "Could you help us?"

"I'm sorry but I'm already on a mission, to find the sugar bowl" Fiona said.

"But we need to be at the last safe place by Thursday" Violet said, her voice was louder.

"I can't just turn around of a mission!" Fiona Shouted.

I sighed heavily and looked at Quigley "I'm gonna look around wanna come?" I asked.

"Yes please" he said, Fiona and violet where arguing. We walked around the ship. "Cyanna do you think we'll ever find my siblings" he looked over at me.

"I know So Quigley" I replied he smiled and I returned a smile. "Do you think Fiona is suspicious?"

"A little bit yeah" Quigley said "But at the same time she seems trustworthy" I nodded in agreement. We reached a library.

"Shall we read?" I asked he nodded and we both grabbed a book down. Mine was about Medusoid Mycelium. It was a venomous mushroom that is under water and constantly appears and disappears it grows in your throat. If you even eat it or inhale it can kill within a hour.

A single spore has such grim power
That you may die within the hour
The spores, if inhaled or eaten, will plant themselves inside the victim's throat and begin to grow thickly and rapidly inside. The blossoming mycelium will constrict the throat, choking its victim in the process.

I shut the book, I found it interesting. I looked at Quigley he was reading. I smiled and looked around.

//I know this was short but there is gonna be a time skip next chapter cause idk what to do during this time

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now