Chapter 20

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Cyanna's POV

One year later

Klaus and I where now 14, Violet was 16, Sunny was 4 and Beatrice we we started calling Tris had just turned a year old. I had cut my hair a little longer than shoulder length now.

"Lemony" Klaus said

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"Lemony" Klaus said.

"They where gonna name me Lemony" Violet said chuckling.

"I wonder why that name was so special to them?" Klaus asked.

"We Met a Lemony once remember" I pointed out.

"Wonder why our parents never told us about it" Klaus looked at us.

"Our parents never told us a lot of things" Violet said and walked down the stairs to us.

"Happy birthday Tris" Sunny said, she had gotten great at talking, Sunny put a cake on Her tray.

"Tomorrow the water will rise, we can go back" Violet suggested.

"Back where?" I asked. "We don't have a home"

"I don't know yet but we'll figure that out soon" Violet said to me.

"Do we really wanna leave the island?" Klaus asked.

"We can't stay here forever even our parents knew that" Violet said "Grab a few things for the journey"

I went up stairs, where I found the bottle I found that day when Kit arrived on the island. "Guys" I said and they walked up to me.

"What is it?" Klaus asked. I showed them the bottle.

"I found it a year ago I just well forgot about it" I said.

"Open it" Violet suggested.

I opened it and took the paper out and read it aloud
"the miles between us
can't keep us apart,
Because we will keep each other close at heart" I said.  "It's a couplet"

"Isadora" we all said looking at each other.

"She must of assumed the couplet would find us someday" Klaus said "I miss her, I miss them all"

"Me too" I agreed. We all sighed and started getting a few valuables we had there.

The next morning

We walked out to the boat. "I think the real name is underneath" Violet said and pulled the board off where it spelled "Beatrice"

"Beatrice" I said and smiled. Tris giggled.

"Yeah that's your name" Violet said.

"It was our mothers as well" Klaus finished. Violet picked Tris up and set her in the boat I helped Sunny In, the three of us pushed the boat and off we went. Sunny snacked On some carrots, Klaus read a book, Violet had her hair pulled back so she was thinking and I just cloud gazed. Until...

"That doesn't look good..." I mumbled looking up and some dark clouds. Klaus and Violet turned and looked behind them.

Violet kept trying to sail away. She grabbed Tris and held her close, Incase the boat was to tip. I saw something in the distance "Violet go that way" I pointed. She looked confused but turned the way I pointed anyways we where trying to beat the storm there, we arrived but the storm was really close "Baudelaires!" I shouted. A hatch opened as a thought, it was the Carmelita. But I knew Olaf wasn't on it so I had no clue who was, but when the password was Baudelaire's I was pretty sure it was Fiona.

And it was. Fiona walked over to us. "Baudelaires" she smiled at us, Fernald walked up behind her. Sunny smiled at Fernald. Fiona looked at Tris "And who's that?"

"This is Beatrice we call her Tris, Kit Snicket's daughter" I said and smiled.

"It's great to see you again" Fiona said to us "I'll show you to your rooms" she said and signaled us to follow her. She walked down and feel Halls and turns. "Violet, Cyanna, Sunny stay here I'm gonna take Klaus down to his room. She led Klaus into another hallway.

"What do you think about all this?" I asked looking over at Violet.

"It's certainly a surprise to see Fiona again" Violet replies "But shes part of V.F.D so I will learn to trust her"

Fiona walked back over to us "Sorry the boys are down there and the girls are down here?"

"Boys?" I asked "As in more than one?"

"Quagmires" Fiona said. I smiled.

"Duncan?" I mumbled "There here" i looked at Violet and she smiled.

"Well I'll take you to your rooms would you like to share or have separate?" Fiona asked.

"I think we'd like to share" Violet said looking at me and I nodded and Fiona led us to a bedroom it had three beds. "I'm sorry we don't have any cribs here"

"It's perfectly fine I'm sure I could make one myself" Violet said and Fiona nodded and left. I sighed softly and looked around. "Is something bothering you?"

I looked at Violet "Yeah actually" I said "At the hotel Duncan and I well we kissed, and Um we where maybe still are dating but we've been separate for a whole year what if he doesn't love me anymore"

Violet sighed "I can't speak for Duncan but any good guy would wait" I nodded and Violet pulled her hair back and started making a bed for Tris. I headed to the library, I needed to read about something as I didn't know what to do. I found a book about the sub library Dewey had ran. I sat down in a chair and read, my back to the door.

A bit later I heard a voice "Uh hello?" Someone said. Quigley said.

I turned around hearing the familiar voice of my best friend "Quigley" I said and smiled.

"Cyanna" he said back to me and I walked over. "How- what?"

"We found the ship on our way back" I explained "We where leaving the island" Quigley didn't care about knowing about the island he just hugged me.

"The Daily Punctilio said they where almost sure you guys where dead from the storm that happened after you left and no one have seen any of you anywhere so about two weeks ago they said you guys where dead" Quigley said.

I shook my head "Where all here" I smiled and we pulled away.

"Duncan" Quigley said with excitement "He'll be so relieved!" Quigley grabbed my hand and he pulled me down a few halls and we arrived at where Fiona took Klaus, Quigley knocked on the door. "I'll leave you two" he whispered. I nodded and thanked him.

"Come in" Duncan said, he sounded mature. I opened the door. "Quigley I'm not in the mood I can't stop reading the stupid punctilio"

"Haven't you learned not to believe anything in the Punctilio" I said with a small smile. Duncan turned to me.

"C-Cyanna?" He stuttered, he got up and walked over to me.

"Duncan" I smiled and he kissed me.

//should I do a time skip to like when Cyanna is like 18 or 20. It depends what you want message me or comment I'll be waiting for at least probably a week unless I get bored for a answer so yeah comment what I should do.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now