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Cyanna's POV

My story doesn't end here, I'm 26 years old and still have a life ahead of me. But for know I'm done writing this book. You have now read my story, which you most likely regret reading.

I'm happy now, I have two kids and I'm expecting a third.

Angeline is 4 years old and my eldest. Then there's Lincoln whom is two. I married Duncan when I was 20 years old. I'm a proud aunt to Klaus and Violet's kids.

Sunny is 16 and Tris is 13 we all work in the hidden library and we did end up getting raised until we where 18 by Jerome Squalor. Sunny and Tris are both there.

After all my losses I can finally be happy.

Duncan is a great father, and Quigley is a amazing uncle.

Quigley and Violet travel together a lot, but Quigley is still my best friend, but we all meet up quite often to visit each other.


THIS STORY IS OVER! Thank you guys so much for all the love it got it means so much to me!
Cyanna story was my first ever completed story! I'm so happy with how many reads it got I never expected this many and I'm also proud of my rankings #6 in #asoue and #2 in count Olaf! Bye guys check out my other stories!

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now