Chapter 8

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// chasing cars is a song that kinda reminds me of cyanna and Duncan. They for separated and have to do it all without each other, so the line "We'll do it all everything" and "on our own" but the song just reminds me of them.

Quigley and I sat there with the snow scouts we have rejoined. Two people where In the shadows of the cave.

"Carmelita Spats" A girl's voice said as they knew who she was, a familiar voice. Quigley and I looked at each other knowing there was trouble we put our masks on.

Klaus's POV

"Go away cakesniffers! This is a private cave! " Carmelita demanded. The older lazy walked over.

"Carmelita who are you talking to?" The women asked.

"There In our cave so obviously there cakesniffers" Carmelita said with disgust I'm her voice. Violet and I just stood there. Carmelita gasped "Wait you're the orphans from prufrock prep! Who lost there parents in a horrible fire and the vice principal Nero expelled you"

"No we never been to prufrock prep " Violet lied.

"He didn't Expel us" I said, disgusted.

"I knew it!" Carmelita announced "You're the Baudelaires.

Cyanna's POV

As Carmelita said "You're the Baudelaires!" Me and Quigley instantly looked up.

"I hope not" The lady said "I read about those terrible children in the daily punctilio it said they are murders and arsonists and started that horrible fire that's still raging across the hinder-lands"

Violet squinted "Well- Well where not them where uh" Klaus tried to think do something.

"Mountain climbers" Violet said quickly.

"Mountain climbers" Klaus repeated.

"Oh" the lady said in delight.

"Where looking for our sister" Klaus said.

"She's about this tall" Violet put her hand at about sunnys height "And she has a good set of teeth and he's traveling with a bunch of dangerous people"

"Sunny" I mumbled looking at Quigley.

"Have you seen her?" Violet asked.

"We haven't seen anyone" the lady said "we've been in this cave hiding from snow gnats but we have a map of the mountain consult"

Quigley and I got up. "No!" Carmelita yelled "No! Snow master bruski this cave is for snow scouts only and there obviously the Baudelaires look at there little orphan faces"

Quigley and I started walking over. "Now Carmelita" Snow master bruski said "Snow scouts should be accommodating it's the first word of our pledge"

"You're snow scouts?" Violet asked.

"Troop 113 is the most exclusious snow scout troop city only non cakesniffers with rich living parents are aloud to join" Quigley and I inched closer "isn't that right bruski?"

"I have to carry there luggage" Bruski said.

"It's designer" Carmelita said

"You should carry your own luggage Carmelita"
Quigley spoke up "And you should join us by the fire we have extra parkas and snow suits if you're cold and extra masks" Quigley said.

"Why would we want mask" Violet asked.

"Of you're outside they keep the snow gnats away" Bruski said.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now