Chapter 16

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//Duncan and Cyanna song :)

Cyanna's POV

Duncan finally broke the silence "Tell me about your childhood" he looked up at me "Like before we met before everyone knew who you where"

"Well uh it was pretty great honestly, my siblings and I would always be building inventions well Violet would, Klaus would read about them and I well I examined the parts and yeah it was pretty great, we watched movies a lot with our parents though we didn't have many friends, our dad home schooled us so it was hard to make friends" I said smiling here and there. "How about you?"

"Well uh we had a library, my parents taught Isadora how to write couplets, and they also taught me how to be good at journaling, Quigley was always reading about maps and stuff, we would always be up late having fun, playing board games, oh and you should of seen my father try and dance" Duncan said and chuckled "I really miss them"

"I know... I miss mine as well" I said and put my hand on his shoulder, he smiled slightly.
I returned a soft smile and we both got up.

Time skip to the night

I walked over to my siblings "Hey you guys needed me?" I asked.

"Yeah, we think there another Denouement sibling, Sunny, Klaus and I where all with a sibling at the same time we all heard the clock" Violet explained. Violet got up and started walking to the elevator we all followed "Remember when we stayed at that hotel with our parents" she said we all nodded "and we thought it would be fun to press a bunch of the buttons at the same time" we all presses a button.

"Father said when you do that you'll never know where you'll end up" Klaus said looking at us.

"Let's see where we end up" I said we all waited. The elevator went past the basement. We stopped moving and turned around seeing a office.

"Looks like a library catalog" Klaus said looking around. "Someone's been repairing a book"

"The paste is still wet" I pointed out.

"And the tea is still warm" Violet said after me.

"Kit is that you?" We heard a man say as the door opened we all looked up. He looked at us. "You're not Kit"

"And your not frank" Violet said.

"Or Ernest" Klaus finished.

"The Denouement brothers aren't twins there triplets" I said looking around.

"Kit told me you where clever" he said "My name is Dewey Denouement I'm pleased to meet you"

"Why didn't Kit tell us about you?" Violet asked.

"My existence is secret which suits me fine cause my work is also secret" Dewey explained "You see the hotel Denouement isn't just isnt just organized like library it is a library" he pulled a drawer and a door opened.

My siblings and I headed towards the tunnel he revealed.

"We collect reports from every V.F.D, agents, scholars, researcher, inventor, scientists, explorer, cartographer, and so on" he said he was walking as we followed. We soon climbed out and it lead us right infront of the hotel. "Ever since the schism it's more important to keep our research cataloged and secured so while frank and Ernest run the hotel I do my work in the shadows here we are" he pointed to water.

"Where the library?" Klaus asked.

"You have to look-" Dewey said but I cut him off.

"Below the surface it's a sub library so it's submerged I read about it once" I had said.

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