Chapter 21

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// ok so imma right a few chapters until you guys help me decide what to do cause I literally have nothing else to do

As you have probably realized from reading my story there are barely any happy moments. But I'm happy to say you are about to witness one of the very few.

I kissed him back. "What have you done with your hair?" He asked me.

"Oh uhm I cut it" I replied "Do you like it?"

He gave me a soft smile "I love it!" He said to me. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. He blushed gently and giggled.

"Ah I better get back with Quigley I think he wants to see Violet" I said seeing Quigley waiting impatiently. Duncan nodded and waved goodbye and I walked out to Quigley.

"Can you lead me to Violet?" He asked immediately as a walked over to him.

I chuckled and nodded "Of course I can then I'll go find Klaus and tell him you guys are aboard" I said and Quigley nodded. I started walking to where Violet was (in our room in inventing a crib for Tris)

I knocked on the door gently "Come in" Violet said I opened the door and she turned around "Quigley" she whispered.

"Hey Violet..." Quigley said, nervously. I left as I wanted them to be alone so they could talk and went to find Klaus.

He wasn't in his room or the library so I kept looking around and I found him talking to Fernald. "Klaus?"

He turned to me "Hey Cyanna what's up?"

"The quagmires are aboard if you know, you wanna go talk to Isadora" I said and he smiled nervously.

"Uh um Erm yeah I'll go see if I can find her" Klaus whispered I nodded and he waved bye to Fernald and walked off.

"You guys are really brave you know that right?" Fernald said looking at me.

I sighed "My siblings are I'm not" I replied. "I left the Quagmires after they got taken, yes I was told to but that doesn't make it right I left my friends"

"You are loyal to V.F.D it's a good thing" He stated.

"I stayed hidden when I could of been helping my siblings" I pointed out. I didn't think I was brave and I still don't think I am.

He sighed "You believe what you want" he said and walked off. I looked around the ship there was a lot of turns and paths. I ran into Fiona.

"Hey" I said.

"Oh hello" she said and smiled.

"Where are we going now?" I asked.

"Well someone set us on a mission to find you I don't know who but it was sent through the telegram" she said "Now that we found you I guess where gonna meet this person at the ruins of Hotel Denouement" she said. I sighed and nodded and went to find Duncan.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now