Chapter 19

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//again can't do it perfectly song is just about how Cyanna feels sometimes
Cyanna's POV

A day had passed. We found out they Ish knew our parents and he started V.F.D.

"Look!" someone said pointing to a stack of books.

Ish takes a spy glass out and looked at the books "It seems to be a women Whos very pregnant"

My siblings and I looked at each other "Kit" We said all at once. Then Count Olaf came in the most ridiculous disguise it was barely one.

"I'm Kit and I'm pregnant" He said.

"No you're Count Olaf even a child can see that" Friday said. We started running to Kit. She was uncousious.

I looked around, Kit was breathing I saw a bottle though and it had a paper in it. I grabbed it and stuck it in my bag to open later. I went back up to Kit

"Go keep a eye on Count Olaf" Violet said to Klaus and I. We nodded and went back to Count Olaf. Him and Ish where arguing. Until Ish pulled a harpoon gun out.

"You wouldn't" Olaf said.

"I would" Ish replied. I looked at Count Olaf and realized where the Medusoid Mycelium was.

I saw Violet and Sunny running over "Stop!" Violet, Klaus and I yelled. Count Olaf was shot right where the Medusoid Mycelium. We tried to cover our mouthes but it was too late.

"You harpooned me!" Olaf yelled.

"You started it!" ish snapped back.

"You literally started it!" Olaf pointed out. Ignored there antics and Violet explained what the Medusoid Mycelium the people left we tried to stop them but couldn't. We started going to a tree our parents lived at to read about the Medusoid Mycelium. I looked for wasabi or horse radish and they read.

"Apples" Violet said and we all coughed. We got ready to get one and immediately collapsed.

"This can't be the end" Klaus mumbled.

"Maybe it's the end of our story" Violet whispered. After a few moments Klaus handed me a apple I took a bite. We soon got up and ran to Kit.

We all kneeled down by her "You gonna be alright we found something to dilute the poison!" Violet assured.

"Just take a bite" Klaus and I said.

"No I can't" she said shaking her head.

"You have to your sick" Violet pointed out with a small frown.

"No I can't it will harm the baby" Kit whispered weakly. We looked at the apple and frowned. "I can feel her coming soon"

"Where gonna get you help" I assured her.

"I can't move I'm not as strong as you Baudelaire's, I've lost to many people, my parents, my brothers, Dewey" she whispered to us.

"Your baby needs you" Klaus pointed out.

Kit started coughing "We have to get her to the shore" Violet suggested looking at us.

"Where to weak from the poison" Klaus pointed out. We looked out and saw count Olaf. "He'd never help us"

"What choice do we have" I said and we looked at each other.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now