Chapter 5

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Cyanna's POV

I walked away from Prufrock prep like I was told to do. I know we will or my siblings will get the quagmires to safety I need to find the one survivor of the fire that isn't me.

I tried remembering the map but I couldn't remember much. I just walked hoping to find some kind of help. I walked to the bank that my siblings mentioned it's where Mr Poe is I knew Mr Poe my parents let us meet him a few times. But they did say that his secretary is a helpful person so I walked up to Mr Poe, I hoped if she was part of this secret organization she would know my fake name.

"Hello I'm Cassidy Jones" I said to Mr Poe glancing at the lady behind me. She looked up.

"I'm sorry do you have a appointment?" Mr Poe asked.

"I'll take her" the lady said. I walked over to her. "Smart, like your parents"

"Thank you" i said "I was supposed to find the survivor I don't know where to even start"

"Well first of all I'm Jacquelyn Scieszka" she introduced herself.

"I'm cyanna Baudelaire" I whispered.

"I know who you are" she smiled "You should head mount fraught don't climb it yet you will find a group of snow scouts join them and then start looking in pretty sure they live in a cave but in not entirely sure" she said and then tells me the way to mount fraught it wasn't that hard and she was showing me on a map.

"Thank you" I said and walked out of the building and started heading in the directions she told me too. I walked it was really tiring all I had was a little bit of food and water. I walked until I got to caves I looked in them until finally there was some kids. It had been 3 whole weeks by then. I saw Carmelita and sighed a older women, Carmelita and a guy with a mask walked out.

"She's a cakesniffer she cant join us!" Carmelita whined.

"Cmon it's fine we have extra food, water and sleeping bags" The boy with a mask on said. He led me over to a open sleeping bag.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He ignored my question "Wear this mask" he handed me a mask and I put it on. "Stay up tonight don't go to sleep" he whispered. And I did so I didn't go to sleep.

"I gotta show you something you might be interested in I was told you where coming" he said. Getting up.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later" he started climbing up the latter and I went after him.

"Why can't you tell me who you are?" I asked once we got to the top.

"Cause there's to many people down there" he sighed. "Some people I dont know told me there would be another girl coming to find the survivor of the fire" he took his mask of.

I was shocked "Duncan- how did you- where's Isadora?" I asked

"No" he said "Quigley, Quigley Quagmire"

"Quigley? Your siblings told me you where dead" I said.

"You know my siblings?" He asked.

"I went to school with them we where friends" I said looking at him.

"Are they alright?" He asked. "I need to know"

"No.... count Olaf got ahold of them i think the Baudelaires are gonna help I left them a note, I'm cassidy Jones by the way"

"They got taken?" He sighed "By the way you do not have to lie to me I know you are Cyanna Baudelaire"

"I uhm-" I sighed "Yeah I am... just I'm so confused" I said.

"I survived the fire and you did as well right?" He asked with a small smile.

"Yeah I think so" I said I smiled back. I was curious what's the odds of both of us surviving.

"Where connected I think we just gotta figure out how" he explained his thoughts "let's just stay with the snow scouts we'll be safer" He suggested.

"Yeah I agree" I sighed "I hope everyone has is alright" he nodded and climbed back down and I followed him. When we got to the bottom we put our masks back on. I thought for a moment.

"Quigley..." I said he looked at me "Klaus and my birthday is in two days even if I'm cassidy I'd like to see him on our birthday"

"Alright uhm I guess we could go see where they are" he suggested. I nodded and we walked out of the cave. "It's a long walk we gotta find a faster way"

"My sister is a inventor if I could just think like her I might be able to make something" I thought "Do you have a ribbon or string" We both looked each other.

"Carmelita" we said at the same time and went inside to get her bow. Once we got the bow I untied it and pulled my hair back like violet. I
Looked around with the stuff we had. "Let's go to that building they might have something" I suggested and we started walking there. When we got there we knocked.

"Hello?" A older women said with a soft smile.

"We are trying to get to a nearby town in the next two days do you have a vehicle of some such we could use"

"We do except there broken there in the shed if you can fix them you are welcomed to use it" She said. Quigley and I nodded and went to the shed. They where some broken bikes.

"Can't be that hard to fix right?" Quigley said. I nodded and kneeled down. It took about a hour to fix both of them. But once we where done we got on them and rode to town. Which took about 6-9 hours I don't know. We went to Mr Poe a family friend. "Hello" I said.

"Oh it's you again" he said "And Whos this"

I looked a Quigley "A friend-" we got stopped

"Come here children" Jacquelyn said. I remembered her, she was helpful so I walked over to her.

"Quigley and Cyanna what do you guys need now" she said.

"I wanna know where my siblings are" I said.

"V.F.D but not the right one it's quite far away I'll call a taxi and he can take you" she suggested and went on a phone call. She told us to wait outside the bank, Quigley and I walked out. A taxi pulled up and we got in the car.

"Hello I'm Jacques Snicket and this is my friend Olivia Caliban"

"Wait-" I said looking at the lady in the front.

"That's right Cassidy" she winked "I'm the librarian"

"You know my real name?" I asked.

"Not at the time but I met Jacques and he told me" we started driving. I shrugged and looked at Quigley. He smiled gently. I got a piece of paper and pencil out to write a birthday letter to Klaus. I wrote making sure to write nothing like my handwriting so he wouldn't find out. We drove about 4 hours and finally got there.

"Quigley you should wait it's really risky" I suggested.

"No I'm going with you" he insisted I sighed and nodded. We both got out.

"Quigley here" I handed him a hat and several other things to disguise himself in case anyone recognized him as Duncan. I walked up to a villager "Excuse me do you know where the Baudelaire's are?"

"No why would I?" He said rudely. I sighed heavily and looked around "Maybe at Hectors"

"And where is that"

He pointed and I saw nothing "Walk that way you'll find it" I nodded and started walking that way. About another hour later I found the house I knocked, a mad white looked around his 30s opened it.

"Hello sir' I was curious if the Baudelaire's are here?" I asked

He shook his head "No I'm very sorry they do chores I'm sure you can find them if you go back to town" I nodded and he shut the door. I sighed I didn't wanna have to do that walk again. Quigley and I started walking back.

//hey so I know this is really bad lol I hope it will get better I think I've decided which quagmire brother I will use but still lmk what you think

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now