Chapter 14

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Cyanna's POV

Count Olaf grabbed onto the Quagmires all three of them. They yelled for me. I tried to get to them but I couldn't.

"Don't let him take us!" Duncan screamed "Please!"

"Cyanna!" Quigley yelled "Help us!"

"Cyanna" Isadora said.

"Wake up" Duncan said "Cyanna wake up" I sat up panting.

"S-sorry just a nightmare" I said and sighed. I laid back down. Duncan looked at Isadora and Isadora smiles unsurely and they both laid back down as well. I yawned and fell back asleep

The next morning

I woke up I was laying quite close to Duncan gladly Isadora didn't see "Duncan wake up" I shook him gently he opened his eyes and quickly moved away from me.

"I'm sorry" he said looking at me.

I shook my head "It's alright" I replied with a soft smile.

"We should go get something to eat" Duncan suggested. I nodded and got up. "Isadora wake up where gonna go eat breakfast" Duncan said to his sister

Isadora nodded and got up we all walked up to hector. "I just had some eggs children" he said and smiled.

I smiled wide "I haven't ate anything that good in awhile so I'm very grateful" I said to him we sat down and started eating. Once we finished we where just arriving at the last safe place, is was Tuesday morning and we landed. Hector finished the landing and the Quagmires and I climbed out.

"Let's see who's here" Duncan said and he opened the door for Isadora and I. We looked around for any familiar faces. No one.

"What do we do?" Isadora asked.

"Get a hotel room maybe until people start arriving that we know... but who can we trust..." I said looking around. We all just stood there hoping someone would notice who we where. I looked around

"I know that guy he's from prufrock" Duncan said pointing. I looked where he was pointing, it was Larry.

"Cmon lets go" I said and we all walked back over to Larry. "Larry?"

He turned and looked at us "Great you are here where are the others?" He asked.

"Quigley and my siblings are on a ship called the Queequeg, the Medusoid Mycelium stopped me from being able to get back on so I've been with Duncan and Isadora for the past two days" I explained.

"There coming though right?" Larry asked me.

"They should be" I said. "We where planning on it"

"Good, now the sugar bowl is it safe?" He asked. I looked at the quagmires.

"It's in our mobile home" Duncan said "Safe and hidden" Isadora nodded.

"Great" Larry said "I was to get you guys a room, it's two beds so follow me" he started walking we followed him and on the second floor was our room he handed us the key "216" he said.

We walked to 216 and unlocked it. "Where will Hector sleep?" Isadora asked.

"Maybe he'll buy his own room?" Duncan suggested. We agreed to that.

"So now we wait" I said to them. "Until Thursday"

"Yeah until Thursday" Isadora said with a smile.

"Thank you guys for everything" I said "It means a lot"

"I assume you already know" Duncan said looking at me.

"Know what?" I asked.

"What friends are for" Duncan said. I smiled at the two of them.

Time skip to when the baudelaires come

I woke up on a nice morning, Isadora and I shared a bed and Duncan had his own.

Isadora was already up she was writing a couplet "Morning Cyanna" she said.

"Morning" I said back walking over to her. "New couplet today?"

"Yes" Isadora said "It's about us" she said with a smile on her face.

"If you don't mind I'd love to hear it" I asked.

"Of course" Isadora said "We are always by each other, never leaving, we are best friends never deceiving" she looked at me.

"That's amazing Isadora" I replied.

// ok I know this chapter was pretty short butttt All the poems I use for Isadora that weren't in the book and TV series are off the internet. Anyways hope you enjoyed !! I'm gonna try and get some romance with Duncan and Cyanna soon so stay tuned cya soon.

THE 4TH BAUDELAIRE   ,   duncan quagmireWhere stories live. Discover now