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Hello! Welcome to my book! I hope you enjoy it. I just need to say a few things before we begin.

1. Shipping.

Yes, yes, I know. You probably ship a lot of them, and I do too, but this will have no x readers.

I will have some ships, like Zhanna and Solider, because it's canon

I will ship Demoman with someone, and that's one of two noncanon ships I will have. The other is left to a mystery.

2. This is mature.

This book will have adult content, like swearing. It will also contain depression, anxiety, self-loathing, self-harming acts from some of the characters. If you are not ok with that, I suggest skipping it or not reading at all. I will give warnings at the start of every chapter so you are aware.

3. I don't own the characters, obviously.

TF2 does not belong to me, the canon story does not belong to me, and the characters do not belong to me. Only the story here belong to me, and some of the art that may be seen (I'll say explicitly if it's mine or not)

4. Translations.

So, quite obviously, some of the characters can speak a language that isn't English (French, Russian, German). Those character will say things in their native language, but at the end of the sentence I will put a translation so you don't have to waste time going to Google.

Example: deine Mutter schwul (Your mom gay)

I'm sorry if the tranarions aren't right I don't speak every known language. I'll be happy to fix it if someone politely tells me its wrong.

5. Names.

Almost all the characters have real names. Those who don't (Spy, Pyro) will just be called their class title. For the most part, everyone will be addressed by their class title, but every now and then the characters will address each other by name.

Example 1: "Hello, there, Tavish," Soldier said to Demo.

Example 2: "Heya Spy," Scout said to Spy. "Hello, Jeremy," Spy said back.

I will not be giving names to the Spy or Pyro because giving them fake name is cringey (at least not in this book)

List of Characters actual names:

Scout: Jeremy
Soldier: Jane Doe
Pyro: ???
Demo: Tavish Finnegan DeGroot
Heavy: Misha
Engineer: Dell Conagher
Medic: Ludwig
Sniper: Mundy Mun-Dee
Spy: ???

6. The Pyro's Gender.

I know this is a big mystery. Some people think the Pyro is a boy, others a girl, others an alien. Some people think they're Mexican, and some people think they're Italian. I have no fucking idea what gender the Pyro is, but I'm going to refer to them as all genders.

Example: Pyro grabs their balloonicorn and hugs it tightly. She smile to himself inside the gas mask, which no one can see, sadly.

(Hope it's not confusing lol)

7. Accents

Of course, I will be writing most accents and I apologize if it's offensive in any way, shape, or form. The only accent I'm NOT writing is Spys, since I have no fucking idea how to

Sorry for that, I just needed stuff to be cleared up before we begin ze story! Hope I didn't bore you...

Began writing book- June 17

Finished- August 23

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