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Today was the first battle in months, and the REDs kicked the BLUs asses. Medic was so happy to be back out there, doing his job. It felt so much more different, and that's because it was. People always thanked him, they took bullets for him, sacrificed themselves, and watched his back 24/7. They also always warned him when there was a Sniper who was near. Medic now took such joy in his job. He oddly felt protective over his friends.

And so, after the battle, they had a party. Ms.Pauling was taking the Administrator's spot until they got a new one, so she was there. She smiled and laughed and Scout looked so happy to see her. Medic, who usually doesn't do parties, was there and was having fun. "We haven't had a party like this for a while." Medic turns around. He sees the Spy, a bottle of Bourbon in hand. "I know, ja? It's scho exciting!" Medic says, a smile on his face. "I heard that Heavy has to talk to you later," Spy says," apparently its very important." Medic nods, finally noticing Heavy wasn't there.

He reaches for some alcohol, telling himself he'll only have a few. A few quickly turned into a lot though, and now he was drunk. Medic wasn't paying attention as Sniper kept trying to get his attention. "Mmmmmedic," he said, also very drunk. Finally, Medic looked over. "Ja?" "O-Oi woanted to tell you s-something," he says, oddly confident. Medic is surprised, because this man was usually very awkward. Maybe he got braver when he was blasted? Medic is about to ask when Heavy approaches. "Oh!" Medic says," hallo Misha!" He then laughs drunkenly.

"Doktor," Heavy says," are you.." "OH JA!" Medic says, very loudly. Heavy shakes his head at him. Medic suddenly remembers what Spy said to him and he stands up, wobbling. Heavy puts his hands on Medic's shoulders to steady. "Vhat vas it zhat jou vanted t-to talk about?" Medic asks, slurring his words. "Come," Heavy says. He helps Medic out of the room. He leads the doctor to his study. Not many people know, but Heavy is a writer. So he, of course, has a study. Medic sits down on a couch in the room as Heavy sits on a chair across from him.

"Sooo, vhat is it-" "I am in love with you and I want to date you." Medic's eyes widen. He doesn't respond for a moment, shocked. "It is fine if you do not love me," Heavy says," I understand. But I felt it best to tell you." Medic's face slowly turns red. "A-are jou.. being scherious Misha?" Misha nods. Ludwig looks at him, eyes still wide. He vaguely wondered if being gay was a sin and if God would regret bringing him back, but he soon didn't care.

"What is your answer?" "Yes, of course!" Ludwig says, standing. Misha stands as well, smiling widely. He leans down and hugs Ludwig. He hugs Misha back, saying," How could I not? Jou've been mein best fruend and have helped me scho much. Of course I love you." "Should we tell others?" Ludwig thinks for a moment. "Zhey'll find out vone vay or anozher. Vhy not just tell zhem?" Misha nods. They walk out of the room and back to the party.

Medic busts open the doors, very drunk. "I have an announcement," he slurs. Everyone looks over. Scout, though, is still dancing. Medic points to Heavy and says," Zhis man here.. is mein boyfriend." "I KNEW IT!" Soldier says,"I KNEW YOU WERE A HOMOSEXUAL!" "How?!" Scout asks. "IT WAS OBVIOUS!" Soldier says. No one seems to question him, but they all applaud them.

Demo walks over Sniper and says," Ye were right lad! He is gay!" He pats him, laughing. "Hehe.. y-yeah," Sniper says, not looking at him. He looks at his watch and says," Well, would ya look at the toime. It's 12:24am. O-Oi gotta.. go to sleep," he says. He stands up and leaves the room, oddly quickly. "Sleep well!" Demo says after him as they all continue to party.

"Yeah, Oi'm sure Oi will," Sniper mumbles solemnly to no one in particular. He doesn't look back at everyone else, all happy without him.

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