Chapter 13. The Key To His Heart.

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(I drew that picture. Its relevance will pop up later. Don't steal it.)

"I do not know how to be gut," Medic says later that night. They all took seats down in his lab and talked. And he, of course, talked. He admitted some things he never wanted to remember. Like his father. "It is not hard," Heavy says. "Yeah, you just gotta have some sympathy," Engi says. "Jou mean feel bad for people?" "Yeah," Engi says," and ya gotta have honesty, kindness, and ya gotta think about others." Medic looks down at his hands in his lap, which were knitted together. "Being gut is hard," Medic says," it is so hard to be good. But it is so easy to be bad."

Without looking at them, he says," Zhat is vhy bad people alvays lose, ja? Bad people are selfisch und heartless. Zhat is vhy zhey can't vork together. Gut people alvays care for ozhers. Zhat is vhy zhey can vork together." "Ya do have a point," Engi says. "I do not deserve jour help," Medic mumbles. "If you feel regret, yes, you do," Heavy reassures.

"I still do not know how to be gut," Medic says. Spy blows smoke out of his mouth and nose and then gets an idea. "I have an idea to push you in the right direction." Everyone turns to him. "Vhat is it?" Medic asks. "Well," Spy says. He stops. He refrains from calling Scout his son and continues with," As I'm sure we all know, Scout has a thing for Ms.Pauling." "Yeah?" Engi says. "Well, I may or may not have information about everyone here, which may or may not include Ms.Pauling," Spy says. "Wait whoat-" Sniper tries to say, but is cut off by the Spy continuing," And the first thing we could do, that is nice, is help set up a lovely date for them."

Medic looks at the floor, thinking. "Ja, zat sounds like a gut idea," he says finally. "Tben it's settled!" Spy says," that is how we will start." "That's actually not a bad idea, Spah," Engi says," if he does nice deeds for people, it might help." Spy gets a smug look on his face and says," Yes, I know." "Can we toalk about how this mongrel 'as information about oall of us?" Sniper says, looking to everyone else.

"No," Spy says.


The next day, Medic and Spy walk up to Scout outside. "So, whattya weirdos want?" Scout asks, sweaty. Seems he just got done with a run. "Well, we are here to help," Spy says. He clears his throat and says," Excuse me, he is." He scoots Medic a little closer to Scout. "Uh, ja!" Medic says with a nervous smile. "Help wit what?" Scout asks. "Uh, jour love interest, Ms.Pauling?" Medic says.

Scout's eyes widen and his face turns red. "U-uh, what? L-love interest? Pfft, y-yeah right!" Medic and Spy both raise a skeptical eyebrow. Scout huffs and says, "Yeah yeah, all right. I got it hot for her, so what?" "So," Spy says," He is going to help set up a date." "You?" Scout says, looking to the Medic," want to help me?!" "Ja,"Medic says, not sure of this plan anymore.

Scout's eyebrows go up and he says," Wow. Okay." "Consider him the doctor of love," Spy says, and immediately laughs. Medic's face turns red with embarrassment and he grumbles, an angry expression on his face. "Oh my God, that was so lame!" Scout says. Spy snorts and magically his cigarette doesn't fall out. "Let us go, Scout," Medic mumbles. Scout nods and they walk away from the still laughing Spy.

"So, where am I taking her?" Scout asks. Medic looks at him like he's crazy. "Uh, first jou are taking a schower! Jou are filzhy and covered in schveat!" Scout laughs as they walk inside and he says," Still a germaphobe I see. Hey hey hey- You're a German-phobe! Get it?!-" Medic elbows him as Scout leans against the wall, laughing. Medic stares as Scout falls to the ground, laughing.

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