Chapter 17. His Advice.

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Scout sets a bottle of Mad Milk down on the counter. Medic looks up to him, an eyebrow raised. "I heard ya needed somethin ta help ya fix the medi-gun," Scout says. Medic looks back at the bottle. Then back at Scout. "Vhat is zhis?" Scout stay a quiet for a moment. "Mad Milk," he says finally. "Mad Milk?" Medic questions. "Yep." They stay quiet again. "Schout, please tell me zhis is actually milk and not-" Scout stares at him for a bit. "Uh, no," He says and then he walks out of the lab.

Medic looks at the 'Mad Milk'. He takes a deep breath. Zumindest dachte er an jemand anderen als an sich, Medic thought. (At least he thought of someone other than himself) With a sigh, he spends the next week working on it, seeing if it would work.

It didn't.

That Friday, Medic sat in his lab and huffed. "Ich werde das nie herausfinden," Medic says aloud. (Loosely translates to I will never figure this out) Archimedes flies over and lands on Medic's shoulder. He cooes at him. Medic smiles and then says, "Ich liebe dich auch, Archimedes." Archimedes snuggles into him and he laughs.

There is a knock on the door. Medic stands up, wondering who it is. Archimedes flies off as Medic walks to the door. He opens it and sees Demo. "Oh, hallo Tavish," Medic says. "Aye, 'ello doc," Demo says. Medic notices the case of alcohol in his hands. "Was ist das?" Medic asks. "Well, uh.." Medic let's Demo into the room and he sets the case down. "'Eard ya needed sometin ta 'elp with da medi-gun.. so-" "Jour giving me jour scrumpy?" Medic asks, eyes wide. Demo nods. "Ya need some 'elp. Tought Aye'd 'elp supply."

Demo laughs. "If it don't work, we can just drink it all." Medic gives a laugh too. Demo gives a thoughtful look to the scrumpy. "Aye, wat do ye say ta dat? Me and you go out fer drink or two?" "Vith jou, it'll be more like tventy," Medic says. Demo laughs again. "Ye be right, doc. Ye be right." "But I suppose zhat does schound fun," Medic says.

"We don't 'ang out as much as we should," Demo says. Medic gives him a nod. "We can go now. It's a Friday night, wot 'arm can it do?" "How vould ve get zhere? Engi's truck is too cramped, Schniper is aschleep, Heavy is aschleep, ve schouldn't drive zhere in a ambulance, und Schpy-" "We sneak in, and take fancy pants' keys," Demo says. Medic's eyes go wide. "Are jou mad?!"

"No?" Demo says, unsure of his answer. Medic just shakes his head. And as he steps into Spy's smoking room, he berates himself for being so stupid. Medic quietly searches the entire room for the keys. Then, he finds them on a table. He quietly sneaks out of the room. Once he's out, He sees Demo outside. "Ve're going to get caught," Medic whispers as they walk off. "Nonsense lad. Te bloody snake was asleep wasn't he?" "Ja, but schtill-"

Demo takes a swig of scrumpy and says, "Yer overeatin'." They had changed out of their normal atire. Demo kept his red turtleneck, but ditched his vest. The white cuff like things that were in his arms are also gone. Medic just took off his gloves and coat and wore what was underneath. "He's going to kill us vhen he finds out," Medic says. "If 'e does at all," Demo says.

They head to the garage and enter. Medic gets into the drivers seat. Demo  gets into the passengers seat. He leans onto Medic while trying to buckle himself in. "Tavish, schtop," Medic says. "Aye can't seem ta.. ah! Tere we go," Demo says, finally buckling himself in. Medic looks at the side of the car in the little crevice between the door and seat. "What's wrong?" Demo asks. "Jou made me drop ze keys."

Medic reaches down, searching, but finds nothing. He sighs and gets out. He opens his door and begins to look in the floor. He sees Demo next to him out of the corner of his eye and watches him open the back door. He hears the backdoor close again as he finds the keys. Medic look up and sees the Demo in his seat again. He vaguely wonders how he got there so quickly but shrugs it off. He gets back into the car and starts it.

They drive out the garage, and into the night. The entire time, Medic felt as if someone was watching him. He turned to Demo, who wasn't paying any attention to him. He sighs and gets back to looking at the road. Once they reach the bar, they of course get out. They head inside and for the next few hours get hopelessly drunk. It was pretty full when they first entered, but of course people began to leave.

A few people tried to talk to them, mostly trying to figure out who Tavish's new friend was. Demo comes down to the bar all the time, but this was the one of the first times he'd ever brought someone who wasn't the Soldier. One woman tried to talk to the Medic, but all he said was, "Pfft! Jou do not vant to talk to me. I do not have time for vomen!" Demo couldn't believe he turned down a busty blonde who was around 20 years old. "Yeeee be cr-crazy lad. All these," he hiccups mid sentence before continuing," th-these women want ya, but yeeee don't want nothin' ta do with anyyyyyy of them."

"I am an old man, Tavish. I do not have time for zhem," Medic says. Demo shouts something to someone incoherently. "Was?" Medic asks. "Chan eil feum agam air rud sam bith eile a chaidh a chruthachadh gu nàdarra," Demo says to him before giggling (I don't need anything else naturally created) "Vhat zhe hell are jou saying?" "IT'S SCOTTISH GAELIC!" Demo yells suddenly. Medic looks at him wide eyed, not expecting to be yelled at.

"Tha thu a ’coimhead coltach ri fear seòlta cunt," Demo mutter suddenly really quiet. (You look like a sexy cunt guy) Medic looks to the bartender. "Hast du die zeit?" Medic says to him. "Huh?" He asks. "Zeit! Zeit! Hast du die zeit?!" Medic asks, pointing to his wrist. "Oh! The time! Uh... it's about 1:40 in the morning." "Oh mein Gott! Wir müssen nach Hause gehen! Tavish? Tavish, wir müssen gehen," Medic says, shaking Demo's shoulders. (Oh my God! We have to go home! Tavish? Tavish, we have to go)

"Aye aye! C-cap'n," Demo says before passing out. Medic growls and puts Demo's arm over his shoulder. He drunkenly stumbles out of the bar, the Scottish man limp next to him. He puts him the passenger seat. He stumbles to the drivers when someone pushes him against the car. He looks up, the familiar scent of a cigarette near by. "Why did you two steal my car?" Spy asks, hands on Medic's shoulders, pushing Medic into the car. "Wir haben es nicht gestohlen-" Spy slaps Medic and says, "English! Speak English, you imbecile!"

"Englisch?" Medic questions. "Qui, English!" Spy says. Medic giggles and says, "Ich kann Englisch sprechen. Ich weiß wie, aber ich habe keine Lust es zu tun ..." Spy rolls his eyes and drags Medic to the back seats of his car. He opens the door and shoves him inside. Then, he closes the door. Spy gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. Demo suddenly wakes up.

"Aye how did ye get here?" He asks drunkenly to the pissed off Spy. "I snuck in while our German friend here lost the keys," Spy says. Medic, who is lying down in the back seats says, "Was?! Wirklich?!" "I disguised as the Scottish Cyclops and hide in the back seat," Spy says. Medic sighs. "Verdammt." They drive back to the base, the two drunken fools falling asleep at some point. Spy didn't bother talking to them like that.

When they get back there, he wakes him up. "Now get the hell out of my car." They stumble out, Medic more sober that he was earlier. While the two walk back without Spy, Medic suddenly is reminded to the last time they hung out like this. "Yanno," Demo says, "yer a good friend Ludwig." "I do not zhink so," Medic says. "Why's dat?" "I am not a good person"

"Yer becoming one." "I do not have much faith for zhat." They stop walking when they make it to the outside of the lab. "Remember when ya told me ta talk with someone aye trust?" Demo asks. Medic nods. "Well, aye did. Twas Jane. 'E told me ta let go of da past." Demo puts his hands on Medic's shoulders. "Ya need dat advice. Let go of the past, mate. Me and Jane 'ave been trying ta stop me alcohol problem. It's been getting. Tis night 'ere is ta first night aye've drunken in weeks! If aye can do dat, become different aye mean, ye can too!"

Medic looks at him, eyes wide with surprise. He had been so caught up with his work he hadn't even noticed Demo drinking less. "Aye believe in ye lad." Demo smiles to him. This makes Medic smile too.

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