Chapter 3. Just a Little Revenge.

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"Ugh, mein Gott," Medic groans when he wakes up in the morning. He sits up, adjusting his glasses. He gasps and lays back down quickly, a horrible headache forming. He closes his eyes for a moment before he reopens them and sits up, slowly. Ich bin ein Dummkopf, he thinks to himself. (I am a fool)

He gets off hisbed his hand on his forehead. He stumbles to his bathroom attached to his bedroom and walks in. He opens the medicine cabinet and pulls out some kind of pill. He quickly takes two, and after a minute of sitting in the dark his hangover headache, its gone. He walks back into his bedroom, gets his work clothes, goes back into the bathroom, and takes a shower.

Once he's done, he steps out and gets dressed. He leaves his bedroom and closes the door, just as he heard knocks on the labs door. "Doc! Ya gotta help us!" He heard Scout groan. Medic smirks to himself and he walks over to the door and opens it. "Guten tag, Fräuleins," Medic greets, a somewhat sinister smirk on his face. He sees Scout, Heavy, Sniper, Soldier, and Engi. "Where's that medicine thats gets rid of hangovers?" Scout asks, urgently. "Vell, if jou follow me I'll show jou," Medic says.

Scout hurriedly pushes past Medic into the lab as the others walk inside as well, less quickly. "Where is it?" Scout asks urgently. Medic pulls out the pill bottle from his coat pocket and says," Here, Dummkopf." He hands Heavy, Engi, Sniper, and Soldier two pills each. Medic looks inside the pill bottle as the rest take theirs. There is still pills inside, but Medic says, "Oops! I zhink ve ran out!" He smiles evilly when he heard Scout groan, a mixture of sadness and anger.

Medic closes the pill bottle and puts it away. "Guess jou'll go vithouzt," Medic he says happily. "You sure you don't have anymore?" Scout begs. "Ja," Medic says, already annoyed. "Can you check?" "Nein!" Medic says," now get out!" Scout walks off, defeated and in pain. "Thank you Dokter," Heavy says. "Thanks, doc," Soldier says. "Yeah, thanks," Sniper says. "Thank ya kindly," Engi says. "It vas nozhing," Medic says, not looking at them. He had his back turned, preparing to feed his doves. All of them turn and leave.

Medic dumps some bird food into a large circular bowl sitting on an oddly high table and all the doves immediately fly over. "Now now, no fighting!" Medic scolds," Archimedes nein! Stop pecking Democritus!" Medic sets the bag down and picks up an identical bowl next to the food one and goes over to the sink. He pours water in it, then walks back over, setting it next to the food bowl. "I svear, Pythagoras if jou don't ztop puzhing Euclid jou get no more pets!" Medic playfully threatens.

Pythagoras, one of the many doves named after Greek mathematicians, cooes and cocks his head to the side. Medic laughs and says, "Jou all are so silly!" He watches his doves for a moment, the fondness in his eyes obvious. Archimedes, possibly his favourite, flies over and lands on his hand. "Ich liebe dich, mein klein Taube," Medic says to Archimedes. (I love you, my little dove) Archimedes cooes at him.

Medic smiles widely and pets Archimedes with his free hand. Archimedes closes his eyes happily. Medic brings his bird closer to his face Archimedes snuggles into his cheek. "Du bist süß," Medic says to Archimedes. (You are sweet) He pulls back and let's Archimedes fly off.

He smiles, and leaves his lab. Medic walks down the hallway and heads to the kitchen where he can smell Pyro making pancakes. He walks inside and, yes, Pyro is making pancakes. Engi is next to them, cooking bacon. Medic sits down at the table next to Heavy and Spy. "Dobroye utro," Heavy says. "Guten Morgen," Medic says. (Both mean good morning) "Hello," Spy says, not looking at him. "Hallo," Medic says, also not looking at him.

Pyro and Engi walk over, and kindly hand out bacon and pancakes to everyone. "Danke," Medic says. "Thank you," Heavy, Sniper, Spy, and Demo say. "Yeah thanks," Scout says, sounding moody. "Here, I'll do y'all another favor," Engi says, handing out water. Once again, everyone thanks him. Then Engi and Pyro sit down. Pyro rolls up his pancakes and the she flattens them. They slip the pancake inside one of the slits of the mask and then eats it. They do the same with their bacon. They put a straw in their water and the other end in the mask, and it stays there until they're done.

Once breakfast is over, Sniper stands up. "C'mon Scout, Spy. We gotta job ta do, remember?" Scout groans as Spy stands up. "But of course," Spy says. "Hey Medic, can ya come along? We might need ya," Sniper says. Medic sighs and says," Ja, ja, just give me a minute." "Okay mate, meet us by my van," Sniper says. Spy, Sniper, and Scout walk off after putting their dishes in the sink. Medic stands up, puts his dishes in the sink, and walks out. He waves bye to Heavy, and Heavy waves back.

Medic heads to his lab and grabs his equipment: Medi-gun, needle-gun, and bonesaw. Then he leaves and heads outside to Sniper's van. Medic groans upon seeing it, only just now realizing he'll be stuck in a small van with two of his least favourite people: Scout and Spy. Sniper was fine, just gross sometimes. He walks over and sees Spy and Sniper in the two front seats. Na sicher. Verdammt, Medic thinks. (Of course. Damnit) Sniper jerks a thumb behind him and Medic nods. He heads to the back of the van and climbs inside. He sees Scout already there, lying down on a couch-bed thing. Medic is forced to either stand or sit on the dirty floor.

He decides to stand, his germaphobia kicking in. It worsens when he sees the bottles of Jarate. The van suddenly pulls away and the Medic falls over with an "Oof!" "Nice job, twinkle toes," Scout says. Medic grits his teeth and stands up, dusting himself off. He leans a foot against the wall, his whole body not touching it in fear of what it may have on it. They ride in silence for several minutes.

Finally, it stops abruptly and Medic falls again. He gets up again and Scout chuckles, bat in hand. They both leave the back of the van and make their way to the front. "Jour van iz filzhy!" Medic says to Sniper as he and Spy step out. "Oh quit your whining, nurse," Sniper says. "I am not a nurse I am a doctor," Medic says. "Not what your missing medical license says," Scout mocks. Medic reaches for his bonesaw, but Spy says, "Enough! We are here on an important mission! We do not need your riff raff."

Medic moves his arm away from his bonesaw and Spy continues with, "Ve are outside a BLU base and we are here for there intelligence." Spy lights a cigarette and says, "So, here's the plan. I will disguise myself, go in, zap sentries. Scout will run in when I say the cost is clear on the walkie talkie. Medic will follow him, keeping him healed. Sniper vill keep watch and take out anyone willing to chase us once we leave. Got it?" "Yeah," Sniper and Scout says. Medic just nods.

"Now," Spy says. The four turn to the gate outside the BLU teams base. "...Let us go."

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