Chapter 6. Facing Hardships.

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"Need a dispenser here!!" Scout yells, running away from the fight. He's bloody, bruised, and can barely run. "I'm trying!" Engi says, putting down a dispenser. He begins to smack it with his wrench, building it quicker. "Where are all the med packs?" Engi asks. "Taken.. Demo, Heavy, Soldier, Pyro...God, we're getting wrecked," Scout huffs. Once the dispenser was done being built, it deposited ammo and a medpack. Scout hastily took it, and soon he was fine. Scout then runs off. "Don't even get a thanks?" Engi mumbles to himself. Wonder if this is how Medic felt..

Scout runs into battle, dodging bullets and rockets. "Hah! Where is RED medic?" BLU Heavy taunts," too scared to face BLU?" "Shut yer trap," Demo says, beheading the BLU Heavy from behind. Demo runs off quickly, heading for the BLU Medic. Scout sees this and decides to help. They drive the BLU Medic into a corner and kill him. Demo gives him a smile, but then his eye widens. "Get down!" He shouts, shoving Scout to the ground. Scout falls and looks up in time to see a rocket blow him up.

"Dammit," Scout cries out. He jumps up and runs up behind the Soldier. He and the Soldier fight: Scout with his bat and BLU Soldier with his shovel. "Help!" Scout cries to his team, but sees no one is available to help: they're either dead or dying. Scout, tired, isn't able to dodge a blow from the BLU Soldier and he dies.

"A Spy!" Pyro hears the Engineer cry. They run over, dousing the BLU Spy in fire before he can zap the dispenser. "Thanks," Engi says. Pyro gives him a thumbs up, before turning around and standing in front of the dispenser protectively. The BLU Soldier fires a rocket, but the Pyro air blasts it away. The BLU Soldier is hit with his own rocket and dies. Pyro ducks a bit as a Scout starts shooting at him, so she runs after the BLU Scout. "Wait, no," Engi says, looking at the Pyro run away.

He grumbles and tries to put up a sentry, but a BLU demo blows it up. Every time Engi tries to put a sentry up, BLU Demo destroys it. "God dang dagnabbit," Engi whispers as he hides behind a wall, pulling his gun out. He leans out from behind, trying to get rid of the Demo. Finally, he shoots him down. "Phew," Engi says. He then builds a sentry.

Pyro walks back from behind. "Hey Pyro, I could really use some help," Engi says, upgrading his sentry. Pyro just stands there, looking at him. "Pyro?" Engi asks. Dread starts to fill him. "You're not-" suddenly, his dispenser and sentry are being zapped. Engi pulls out his gun and fires at the Pyro, who pulls out a gun that does not belong to them and fires at him. Pyro then turns into a BLU spy.

"I need some doggon help!" Engi says, getting shot at by the Spy. He shoots the Spy in the shoulder, making him drop his gun. The Spy growls and pulls out his butterfly knife, and stabs the Engineer twice. "Help!" Engi cries, holding the Spy's wrists, trying to not get stabbed. Spy suddenly smiles evilly and kicks him where the sun doesn't shine. Engi screams out, accidentally letting go and getting stabbed. He falls to the ground as the BLU Spy says, in a mocking country accent,"Everyone back to base, partner!"

Heavy stands there, firing at the BLU team with Sasha. He watches sadly as Solider is burnt alive by the BLU Pyro.   Heavy kills the BLU Pyro, but if he wants to live he must back up. There's too many. "Jou REDs are nozhing vitzhout jour Medic, ja?" The BLU Medic asks, shooting Heavy with his needle gun. This wouldn't have been a problem, if he hadn't gotten a random crit. Heavy falls over, dying. "Oops! Zhat vas not medicine!" Heavy closes his eyes and soon he has respawned back in the base. There he sees the rest of the REDs, all standing there, absolutely defeated.

"You killed them all!" The administrator says over the intercom. Spy suddenly spawns in next to everyone, then Sniper. After a few moments, they hear a "Victory!" They all collectively sigh and all walk different directions.


"Verdammt!" Medic exclaims. He throws a prototype medi-gun to the ground in anger. He had tried to remake the medi-gun, but he was failing miserably. It had been a week since the original medi-gun broke and he's been working non stop. He's barely slept and he hasn't eaten in several days. "I can't do it!" He yells. "Of course you can't. You're a failure." "Can jou zhut up?" Medic says in his empty lab.

He sits there in his chair for a bit, before he sighs and stands up. He picks up the prototype and sets it on his desk. He had remembered a few more ingredients: electricity, and a medpack. The last one was obvious and he figured it out almost immediately. Medic had been trying so desperately to remember what all was mixed together. He tried so many things: plasma, marrow, different kinds of poisons, and even deadly venoms. He kept experimenting on mice. He's cut them open, try to heal them with the failed medi-gun, and fail. One of the mice exploded.

There suddenly was a knocking at the door. Medic jumped at the noise. "Dokter?" He hears Heavy's voice. Medic stands up and walks over to the lab doors. He opens it a bit and looks up at the tall man. "Hallo," Medic says trying to sound cheerful. He just sounded tired. Heavy gives him a concerned look and says," You look tired." "Oh no, I'm gut," Medic says. He sees the sandvich in Heavy's hand. "Well, is dinner time," Heavy says. "Oh, is it?" Medic says. "Da. You will be there." "I can't, I have vork-" Medic starts to turn around. Heavy grabs the collar of his shirt from behind and drags him away to the kitchen. "Misha!" Medic says," I have vork I need to do!" "You need food," Heavy says, not intending to let him go.

Medic huffs and crosses his arms, letting himself get dragged away. They enter to room to see everyone else already there. Pyro is once again cooking. Medic's face flushes from embarrassment when he hears snickers. Heavy holds Medic up in front of him and says," You will eat. No buts." "But-" "Hush," Heavy says, still carrying Medic by the back of his shirt. He walks over to the table and sits him down in a chair. Then Heavy sits next to him.

"Ya look tired," Engi says, noticing the bags under Medic's eyes. "Vhat?" Medic asks. "Ya look like ya need sleep," Engi rephrases. "Have you been sleeping?" Spy asks. "Of course," Medic lies. "Don't look loike it mate," Sniper says. Spy glances at the Sniper when he says that, but just looks back. Medic says nothing, looking down at his hands on the table. "Look, we know the medi-gun is importunt, but so is ya health," Sniper says. "I think ya need a break, lad," Demo says. "I'm very close zhough, I'll be fine," Medic says. The group doesn't look too convinced, but before they can argue back Pyro sets down a large platter with hot wings.

After getting water, everyone sits there and enjoys they're food. Pyro cuts their chicken wings into skinny little strips, then slips them through the slits of the mask. Still, no one even seems to think it's strange. Once they're all done, everyone puts their plates up and heads to bed. As Medic walks alone to his lab, his stops in the hallway, his eyes wide.

At the end of the hall, he saw his father. His father was a tall man: blonde hair, blue eyes. He had cold, heartless eyes. He wore a blue button up shirt and a black vest. His shirt was rolled up to his elbows. Medic stood there, frozen in fear. "Ludwig," he heard his father say. His voice was cold and echoey. A familiar fear took hold of the Medic and he could feel his breathing quicken. "Nein," Medic mumbled.

"What?" Medic jumped and yelped like a little girl. He whirled around and saw Heavy. "Oh mein gott, jou scared me," Medic says, laughing nervously. "What are you doing?" Heavy asks. "Oh, uh, zhinking!" Medic lies. Heavy looks at the end of the hall where Medic saw his father. Medic looks too, and to his confusion, his dad was not there. "If you say so,"Heavy says. He pats Medic in the shoulder and walks away, saying," Good night Dokter." "Good night," Medic says. He sighs and goes into his lab. And for the first night in several days, he sleeps.

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