Chapter 21. The Quarrels We Have.

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"Aye, exactly what I was lookin fer," Demo says. He stands up, carefully grabs Medic's wrists, and pulls him up. He then pushes him out of the room. "Nein! Vait! Please I-I'm not-" Demo pushed him fully out and closes the door. Medic stands there for a bit before realization hits him. He quickly hides in a bathroom, his breathing quick. Him and the other mercenaries always made fun of poor Sniper for never knowing how to talk to women, but now Medic knew that feeling. He planned to apologize to Sniper when he returned.

"Zhink, jou idiot," Medic mumbles to himself. He fiddles with his hands, trying to think. How do you talk to a woman? What do you say? How do you even begin? Medic did not know. He ran his hands through his hair: a thing he did when he was nervous. He wasn't even sure if he liked the girl. At least be friends, Demo had said. Friends didn't sound so bad. He didn't have many to begin with.

But now that he thought about it, he does have friends, doesn't he? Heavy, Demo and Engineer at least. Him and Sniper started off rocky but they were fine now. He was at least ok with the Spy. Five whole people he could talk to. That's more than his youth, at least. He had only one friend in his youth, which that ended swiftly and abruptly. Medic's panic subsided as the stared at the floor, remembering his friend. Remembering his past. Remembering the real reason he doesn't have a-

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Medic jumps and whirls around to the door. "Who ever is in room, get out." Medic began to panic quietly as he heard Zhanna's voice. He just flushed the toilet, turned on the sink for a moment, and then left, his heart racing. Zhanna stood over him, looking down. "S-sorry," Medic mumbles quietly, not looking at her. He walks away hands together. Looking at the floor like this makes him feel like he's in school again.

He walks off to wherever their living room is and sees Bronislava sitting there. She has a cup of hot chocolate in hand. She smiles at him and says,"Hello." Medic smiles back and says, "Hallo." She pats the couch next to her. Medic, being the socially awkward introverted man that he is, goes over and sits next to her. "How are you enjoying time here?" Bronislava asks. "It's lovely here," Medic says truthfully. "Zhanna is a bit.. much to deal with," Bronislava says. Medic nods. "Her and Yana always fight. Never get along. They are opposites," Bronislava says," I am the middle ground."

"When they fight, I must be the one who delivers what they say to each other," Bronislava sighs," Zhanna is so.. harsh. Yana is so sweet. Zhanna can take hurricane. Yana can't take small wind breeze." Medic laughs quietly at Bronislava's little joke and she laughs too. "I am a bit if both. What about you?" Medic thinks for a moment. "I can make it look like I can take a hurricane, but zhe inside I am most likely crying," he says honestly. Bronislava laughs a bit and says," It is like that sometimes, isn't it?" Medic nods again.

"You seem like man who is not what they appear," Bronislava says. Medic's eyes widen a bit. "I mean.. you seem like.." She taps her cup with her left index finger, obviously trying to find a good word. "Stoic," she finally says. Medic is surprised by her words. People usually say intelligent, hardworking, or quiet. He has never been called stoic. "And.. intuitive, in some aspect," she says," like little bird." Medic look at her like he was just know seeing her. He felt so... oddly touched by her words.

"How can jou see me so easily?" Medic asks. Bronislava laughs. "Everyone is like puzzle, waiting to be solved. I am.. good at puzzles," she smiles. She takes a sip of her drink before setting it down on the coffee table. "Yana really likes you. She gets feeling like you two would be good friends. I am not like Zhanna: I will not harm you for no reason. I do not think you do this, but I must say it: do not break my sister's heart. Please. She is so fragile."

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