Chapter 15. Feel the Hollowness.

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As everyone left the room, Sniper watched Spy leave. He watches him walk off for a moment. Oddly enough, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. By the time he figured it out, it was too late. Spy was gone.


Medic packed some clothes into a suitcase. "Heavy promises your birds will be fine," Heavy says, literally every bird Medic had on his big shoulders. "Yep! These little fellers are in good hands!" Engi says. He looks up at Heavy, where all the birds perched. "Jou'll come in here und feed zhem everyday, ja?" Medic asks, still uncertain. "Of course," Engi says. Archimedes flew down and onto Engi's gloved hand. Then, he began to peck him.

Medic closed the suitcase after making sure it's sufficiently packed. Then, he picked up that suitcase and another already packed one. He looks over at Heavy and Engi. "Jou'll follow all ze rules I wrote down, ja?" Medic asks. "Of course!" Engi laughs. "There is no reason to worry Doktor," Heavy reassures. Medic put his suitcases down and reached out for Democritus. "Jou be gut, ja? And leave Euclid alone." Upon hearing his name, Euclid flew over.

"And jou do not knock over ze food bowl like jou alvays do, okay?" Medic says to Euclid. Euclid just cooes and snuggles into him. Medic smiles and then Pythagoras flies over. Euclid moves from Medic's hand to his other shoulder as Pythagoras lands on his other hand. "And jou be nice! I know jou bully ze boys vhen I'm gone!" Medic says to Pythagoras. She ruffles her feathers and cooes at him.

Soon, the rest of the doves fly over as well. "Plato, sit here. Move over Socrates, Plato needs somevhere to sit! Aristotle please do not sit on mein head. Thales, stop pushing Heraclitus sie ist klein! Xenophanes, zat is not a place to sit." Finally, all the birds have settled down. Heavy and Engi must restrain their laughter at the sight. Medic is hunched over, arms folded up like a T-Rex. There are three birds on his left shoulder, four on the other and two birds on each hand. And one single bird on his head.

"Is this how it is everyday?" Engi asks. Medic nods. He doesn't seem agitated though. In fact, he seems happy to have most of birds with him. He whispers to them in German, giving the ones on his hands kisses. The others get jealous and push to get onto his hands to get a kiss too.

Once everyone had, the birds fly away. Medic looks at Archimedes, who is still with Engi. Archimedes flies over after giving a coo. "Ich liebe dich auch," Medic says to Archimedes, giving him a kiss as well. Archimedes cooes and snuggles into his cheek. Heavy leans down to Engi and says," Heavy must admit... this is cute." Engi chuckles quietly and nods.

Medic lifts his hand into the air and Archimedes flies away. Then, he picks his suitcases back up. "Take care of zhem, bitte," Medic almost pleads to his friends. "We will, doc," Engi says. They walk out of the lab and into the hall. They walk down the hall, Demo and Spy joining them. Then Soldier and Scout show up. Once they get outside, they see everyone else. Sniper  is seemingly cleaning out his van.

Everyone but Scout and Spy exchange hugs with the Medic. Spy just gives him a nod and Scout a fist bump. The Medic walks over to the van and gets into the back once Sniper is done cleaning it out. He puts his suitcases down inside and then steps out again. Heavy and Engi are by the door. Engi pats Heavy on the shoulder before climbing into the passenger seat of the van. Sniper, it course gets into the driver's. Medic looks up at Heavy.

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