Chapter 20. A Pep Talk.

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"Why do you have such little glasses?" Medic opened his eyes, confused. He could barely see: everything around him was a blur. He saw the blurry figure of Zhanna standing over him, his glasses in hand. He closed his eyes again for a moment before opening them again. "Vhat?" He asked sleepily, sitting up. "Why do you have such little glasses?" Zhanna asked again. Medic looks up at her, eyes squinted. It was a thing he did when he didn't have his glasses on his face.

"Oh," Zhanna said," I see." "I certaintly don't," Medic mumbles to himself. "You have small eyes. Small glasses for small eyes, da?" Zhanna says. "V..vhat?" Medic asks, utterly confused. Zhanna shoves his glasses in his hands. "I have been trapped in this frozen prison since I was a girl," Zhanna says," "You are one of the first men I have seen in twenty years." "I'm..sorry," Medic says awkwardly.

"Today we make sex." Medic's eyes widen and his face turns a bright red. "P-pardon?" He stutters. "Make love to me," Zhanna says again. Medic's jaw opens and he begins to stumble over his words. "I-i.. jou.. ve.. zhats.. n..I.. I-i.." "I already asked your one eyed friend. He talks too much," Zhanna says," you are quiet. You will do." "Oh mein Gott, hilf mir," Medic mumbles to no one in particular. (Oh my god, help me) Zhanna puts her hands on Medic's shoulders. "Do you understand?" "Ha ha, i-ich spreche kein Englisch! Ich weiß n-nicht was du sagst!" Medic says. (Ha ha, I-I do not speak English! I do n-not know what you're saying!)

Zhanna raises an eyebrow in confusion. She's about to say something before someone walks in. They both look over and see Yana. "Hello Ludwig," she says with a smile," breakfast is ready!" Medic stands up quickly, not even bothering to get out of his pajamas as he almost runs to follow. Yana looks over and seems to just now notice Zhanna. Her brows furrow. "Hello, sister," she says with a light disdain. She grabs Medic's wrist and drags him out of the room.

"What did Zhanna do?" Yana asks quietly. "S-she asked m-me to.. u-uh.." Medic trails off. "Make love?" Medic nods. "Do not pay attention to her. She is insensitive," Yana says. Medic just nods and puts his left hand on his right arm. He stares at the ground while they walk. "You have nice accent," Yana suddenly says. Medic blushes a little and says," Zhank jou." He mentally slaps himself for how heavy his accent is. He's met more than enough women who freak out over his accent and sometimes he hated it. He was sick all of these women trying to get with him.

They reach the kitchen and see everyone. Zhanna walks past them, her shoulder hitting her sister's. Yana glares at Zhanna a bit before smiling at Medic. They all sit down, plates already on the table. Once again, it was a dish Medic and Demo had never seen before. Medic noticed how pained Demo looked. He probably wanted to shove the food in his face like a pig, but had to wait until everyone was seated.

Once Yana, Zhanna, and Medic sat down, Heavy's mom allowed everyone to eat by sitting down herself. Demo immediately began to inhale is food like a fucking black hole. Everyone else who was normal ate normally. Demo and Medic played into their customs by refilling the women's drinks. Yana sat next to Medic, so he worried about her. Demo was next to Bronislava, who sat next to her mom. Zhanna sat on her mother's other side, and Heavy sat inbetween Yana and Zhanna.

Yana sat with her back facing Heavy, not allowing him to see when her cup was empty. Medic got the vague idea that Yana liked him. At least she wasn't super obnoxious about it. Medic noticed Bronislava did the same to Demo. He wondered if Zhanna wasn't lying about not seeing a man in 20 years. If that was true, he honestly didn't blame Bronislava or Yana for their behavior. But Zhanna? Zhanna made him uncomfortable. At least Yana was considerate.

"So you come from Scotland?" Bronislava asks Demo. "Aye lass," he says. "What is it like?" "Well, in teh highlands it's very mountain-y," Demo says," and ten tere's teh Central Lowlands. It's like a... valley. And ten, lastly, teh Southern Uplands. Dats just a buncha hills." "Oooh," Bronislava says," sounds lovely." Demo nods. "How did you lose your eye?" Bronislava asks. Demo pauses. He definitely can't tell her a wizard made him lose it- he'd just sound insane. So, me made up something. "Got er.. inta a fight with a uh.. man? Named Merasmus." Medic almost snorts.

"Did you kill him?" Bronislava asks, seemingly very interested. "Aye! Well... Aye beat em up, but 'e went running 'ome ta mama!" Demo says. "By yourself?" Bronislava asks. "Nope. 'Ad some of meh friends 'elp," Demo says honestly. Bronislava, Yana, and Zhanna look at Heavy. "Aye lassies, yer brother 'elped meh," Demo says. "Oooh," Bronislava says, looking back to Demo," you are so honest." "Did you help?" Yana asks Medic. "Aye! 'E did!" Demo says. "I-I vould hardly call it z-zhat," Medic mumbles. Yana laughs and says," You are so modest!"

"Ludwig is very modest," Heavy confirms. "Aye! 'E saves our lives on a daily basis!" Demo says. Heavy's mom and Yana look at Medic. "Do you now?" Heavy's mom asks. "J-ja," Medic says. Ugh, vhy can't I just say yeah like a normal person? Medic thinks to himself. "He is a Doktor," Heavy says. Medic really wished both him and Demo would shut up about him. "You are doctor?" Yana gasps. Medic nods. "You must be so smart," Yana says.

Medic wished he had a scarf or something to hide his face with. Surely it was red by now. "What do you do?" Bronislava asks Demo. "I am a demolition man!" Demo proudly announces. "You destroy things?" Bronislava asks, eyes wide with interest. "Aye!" "I love to destroy things," Bronislava says quietly to him. Heavy wasn't sure how he felt watching his sister's openly flirt with his friends. That's just what he needed: to be related to one one of his friends.

"What is America like?" Zhanna asks. "Amazing!" Demo says," Aye love it!" "I want to go to America." Heavy is taking a sip of his drink and almost chokes on it. "Are you okay Misha?" Heavy's mom asks. "Da. I am fine," he says, setting his drink down. After breakfast  (Demo had 3 plates) Heavy's mom and Zhanna decide to head out to the store. Medic is secretly relieved Zhanna is gone. Demo walks up to Medic in the hallway and says," Aye love tis place." "Vhy is zhat?" Medic asks. "Heavy's ma feels like me ma, and 'is sister is flirtin' with me." Demo laughs.

"I zhought zhat last vone vas horrid," Medic says. "Why's dat lad?" Demo asks as they enter their room. "I... I.. I'm not... vell.." Medic trails off. "Not interested?" Demo asks. Medic sighs and says," I suppose jou could say zh-... th-that." Demo looks over, an eyebrow raised high. "V-.. what?" Medic asks, having difficult getting that 'w' sound out. "What are yeh doin lad?" Demo asks. "T-talking?" Medic says, looking away. "No lad. Are yer tryna change yer accent?"



Demo sighs. "Look, ya don't need ta do dat. Why are ya even doin' it ta begin with?" "Vomen find it..a.. 'attractive'," Medic says with air quotations. "So?" "I'm tired of being flirted vith," Medic says. Demo looks confused. "Why?" Medic sighs. He sits down on his bed and says," Because. Zhese vomen vant me for vhat zhey see on zhe outside. Vhen zhey see zhe real me, zhey vill leave. I know it."

Demo sits next to him. "Whattya mean lad?" "All zhese vomen see a handsome, smart, modest doctor on zhe outside. But on zhe inside? I am a monster. A horrible person who is too much to deal vith. No vone vants to deal vith zhat," Medic says. "Ludwig," Demo says," that's the point of tryna find someone. Ta find teh right person who loves yeh for who yeh are! Who will wanta help ya! And if tey run? Pah! Tey weren't worth teh time ten."

Medic looks at him, sadly. "I am a sadistic monster. Vone day, I vill hurt zhem. I know it." "Well 'Ow bout tis lad," Demo says," me and Heavy will help ya overcome that. Then, ya gotta try and date someone lad. And don't be so awkward! Cripe, yer worst dan teh Sniper!" Medic smiles a bit and laughs. Demo pats him on the shoulder. "Look. Yana seems ta like ya. Why don't ya try dat, huh?" "I-I don't know." Demo rolls his eye. "Ya gotta try mate. At least be friends with teh lass. Aye?" Medic sighs. "Fine. I vill try."

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