Chapter 22. Departure.

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After two more days there, Heavy finally decided that the next day would be the day they left. "But brother, you were not here long!" Zhanna argued. "Da!" Yana agreed. "We all have job we need to get to," Heavy said. Then, he brought his sisters and mother in for a huge hug. Demo and Medic watched, feeling left out. Demo sighs. Once it was over, Heavy's mom and Zhanna walked off. Bronislava said to the Heavy," I want to ask you something." They spoke in Russian to each other. Heavy's eyes widened when he heard Bronislava's question. He shook his head whilst saying something else. Then, Bronislava out her hands together and said," Pozhaluysta?" (Please?) Heavy sighed and said," Ladno." (Okay)  "Aye, wat was dat about?" Demo asks Medic quietly. Medic shrugs.

Heavy then walks away, seemingly to help his mother with dinner. The two girls walk over to Demo and Medic. "Me and Bronislava want to take you two somewhere," Yana says. "Now where is dat?" Demo asks. "You will see," Bronislava says. The four walk out and drive to somewhere in the city. When they get out, Bronislava wraps her arm around Demo's and says, "I want to show him something. We will be back." "Okay," Yana says as the two walk off, fairly quickly. Medic wonders to himself why that could be. Maybe they wanted to be alone? But a thought dawned upon him when he realized who he was with. Maybe they wanted us to be alone?

He immediately grew nervous, hoping this wasn't a scheme of some sort. He didn't even know if he liked the girl like that. Hopefully Demo got some say in this. "Ludwig," Yana suddenly says. Medic looks at her, snapped out of his thoughts. "Come, there's some places I want to take you." She grabs his wrist and walks with him down the street. The contact made his nervousness worse, and he knew he was blushing. It was beginning to be nighttime and snow was falling gently.  You couldn't see the stars sadly, thanks to the clouds.

She took him to a little café and said," This place is my favourite!" Medic smiled as they walked in and saw it. It was small, cute, and not very populated. She took him to a little booth at the end by a window, where they sat. "Me and Bronislava come here all the time," Yana says," and sometimes Zhanna. But one time she fought the waitress. Never came back." Medic's eyes widened. He could see Zhanna fighting a waitress and it was a scary. "Really?" "Oh da! She was very violent. Think she almost killed waitress." "Goodness," Medic mumbles.

A waitress walks over to them and asks in Russian what they want. Thankfully, Yana answers for them. Soon shes gone. "Bronislava is going to America with you," Yana says," Misha wouldn't let me go. Says I am 'fragile'. I love Misha, but sometimes he worries much." Medic nods, knowing this side of Heavy. If he didn't go down to dinner and tried to lock the lab's doors, Heavy would break them down. Then poor Engi would have to replace them for the 892nd time. "Ja, I know zhat." "Can we send letters?" Yana asks. Medic looks at her and her almost pleading eyes. "Of course," he says.

Yana smiles and is about to say something before the waitress comes back. She has a plate of two cups of hot chocolate. "Spasibo!" Yana says. (Thank you) The waitress nods before walking off. They both take a drink and make small talk. Medic tries to hide his annoyance with the small talk, which he hates with a burning passion. Once they are done, they pay and leave.

Now, it's dark out. "Ooh, I want you to see one last thing," Yana says. She takes him down a street and then they end up in a little shop. "Wait here," she says as she walks in. Medic waits, gloved hands in his pockets. It sure was cold. The wind nipped at the back of his neck and he drew the hoodie of his coat closer. When Yana walked back out, she has a snow globe. "Here!" She says, handing it to him," it is Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the heart of Moscow! Very lovely!" Medic's eyes widen as he looks at the tiny little building inside. "It is," he says.

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