Chapter 4. Mistake Number One.

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Sniper, Medic, Scout, and Spy all walk away from the van. They head down the road a bit, putting as much distance between them and the van to lower suspicion. They get to a part of the gate where it had a large rock outside of it where everyone but the Spy hid.

Spy turns his back to the other three and walks over to the gate. He pulls out a cutting tool and quickly cuts a large circle out of the chain link fence.  He sets the cut out circle to the side along with the cutting tool, and he crouches down and enters the premises of the BLU base.

Spy stays crouched and runs inside, and hides behind a rock. He runs from rock to rock, steadily getting closer to the building. When he's right next to it, he leans out from behind the rock and sees a Solider standing outside. Spy turns invisible and stands up. He quickly, but quietly, sneaks over and gets behind the Soldier. Then, he slits the Soldier's throat from behind. Now visible, he quickly drags the BLU Soldier behind a rock. Spy puts on a BLU Soldier mask, disguising himself.

He throws his cigarette on the ground and stamps it out, putting away his butterfly knife. He calmly walks inside the base, passing by a Scout. "Heya Solider. Wassup?" "Nothing, Scout," Spy says, sounding exactly like a Soldier to the Scout. They walk past each other, Scout saying nothing else. Spy quickly walks away, heading for the intelligence room. Once he gets inside, he sees BLU Engi there. He has sentries set up, obviously. But BLU Engi is leaning back in a chair, asleep.

Spy smiles to himself and pulls out his zapper. He walks over and begins to zap the sentries. The BLU Engi continues to sleep soundly. Once Spy is down, he uncloaks and carefully drags the Engi into a nearby closet. When Spy closes the door, Engi finally wakes up. "H-huh? What-" he looks up to the Spy. "A-A RED-!" Spy quickly kicks him in the face, knocking him out.

Spy pulls out his walkie talkie and says, "I have taken care of the BLU Engineer. Scout, Medic, get into position." And with that, he leaves the room. He disguises as the BLU Engineer and sets up fake sentries. He positions his chair so it is under the doorknob of the closet, making sure it stays closed. Then, he leans back on the chair, trying to look as much like the Engineer as he could. He even had a bottle of beer in hand.

Outside, Medic looks to Scout. "Vell, don't just ztand zhere," he says. "Right," Scout says, running off, jumping over the gate. Medic grumbles and says to the Sniper before crawling through the hole in the gate," Zee jou later, I zuppose." "Yeah," Sniper says as Medic runs off after Scout. "Vait, vait," Medic says to Scout," vhere are jou going?" "To the intelligence room? Duh!" Scout says. "Jou can't just valk through ze front door jou idiot!" Medic says," ve are not ze Spy!"

Scout grumbles and they run off to find a different entrance. And they do. Medic stares at it, absolutely disgusted. "Ze zewers?!" "Shut up!" Scout whispers," do you want them ta hear you?" "Oh zhats funny coming from jou-" Scout suddenly pushes Medic into the sewers and then they press up against the wall. Scout puts a hand over Medic's mouth as a Demoknight walks past, not even seeing them. After a moment, Scout move his hand gets away from the wall. A wet stain is on the back of his red shirt from the dirty wall. Medic stares at him, then looks at his mouth, then looks at his boots in the filthy water, then he slowly moved away from the wall.

Panic is in his eyes and he begins to hyperventilate, and hes about to scream before Scout puts his hand back on his mouth. "Shut up! Ya germ freak! Once this is all over you can go and disinfect yourself, but don't fucking screw up this mission because you're acting like a girl," Scout says, the most serious hes ever been.

Medic nods silently, and Scout removes his hand again. Scout sighs and says, "Heal me, doc." Medic begins to over heal Scout as they walk through the sewers. Scout grumbles and says," I don't like this either, doc. My socks are wet. And I think I just stepped in shit." Medic breathes in quickly upon hearing this. "Hey look, calm down. You can go get yourself cleaned up after this, aight?" Scout reassures. "Ja, ja," Medic says, trying to stay calm.

They walk further into the sewer, not saying much. Finally, they get to a mannhole. The ladder is broken near the top. "Hey, lemme sit on your shoulders so I can open this," Scout says. Before Medic can say anything, Scout jumps on his shoulders and begins to lift the mannhole cover. Medic looks at Scouts filth covered shoes and gasps, moving back. Scout swears under his breath and drops the covering. It falls onto his fingers and he gasps.

"Es tut mir leid," Medic apologizes, and Scout just nods. "It's fine, it's fine." They don't understand too many German phrases, but they know that one. Medic moves back into position and Scout reopens the manhole cover.  Once it's moved fully, Scout expertly jumps up and into the BLU base. Scout look down to the Medic. "Alright, doc. Gimme your hand." Medic stands on his tipeetoes and reaches his hand up.

Scout grabs it and tries to lift him up, but its near impossible. Medic grabs the floor with his free hand to assist, but he's still far too heavy. "Geez man, why you so heavy?" Scout asks. "My pack," Medic says," it must be ze pack on mein back!" Suddenly, Spy walks around the corner of the basement they are in. "Spy, help!" Scout whispers. Spy, with an Engi mask on his face, helps pull Medic up. Once he's up, he stands up and dusts himself off.

"Phew! You're heavy, doc," Scout says. Medic rolls his eyes and is about to say something before Spy says, "Hush! we do not want to be caught!" Scout and Medic nod. Medic grabs the handle of the medi-gun and over heals the both of them as they walk out and back into the intelligence room. Spy goes back to his post as the sewage water covered Scout and Medic walk to the briefcase. Scout picks it up and suddenly, alarms blare. "Our intelligence has been picked up." "Run!" Spy says as a Heavy and Demoknight run into the room. Medic, Scout, and Spy all run, Scout eventually putting the briefcase on his back. They jump down the manhole without Spy. He instead turned invisble and ran a different way, in the hope to distract them.

The Demoknight ran after Spy, along with a Pyro. "Oh merde," Spy mumbles to himself, and hides behind a box as they run past, the Pyro spy-checking everywhere. After he thinks there gone, he disguises as a Solider and runs off.

Medic and Scout are somehow dodging the BLU Heavy's bullets. Once they get outside, they make a mad dash for the van. Spy eventually joins them and kills the Heavy and a Solider. Sniper snipes a Scout and the Demoknight. Spy and Scout run through the hole first, but just as Medic was getting there, he gets shot in the leg. He yells out, and falls to the ground. "Doc!" Scout exclaims. He takes the briefcase off and shoves it in Spy's hands before running back for the Medic.

Medic tries to stand up, but he falls over. He instead tries to crawl. He yells out in pain when he gets shot again, this time in the shoulder. Then, their Sniper tries to snipe him. They went for a head shot. But they missed. They shot the pack on his back instead. Medic's eyes widen like they never had before when he felt the pack get punctured. "Oh zis is not gut," Medic exclaims as Scout grabs his arms. "It'll be fine doc," Scout says, dragging him away. Sniper takes the briefcase and gets into the drivers seat. Spy helps drag Medic into the back of the van and Sniper drives away before they even close the door.

"Well, that was close," Spy says. Medic glares at him for a moment, before just going limp on the floor. "Doc?" Scout asks, nervous. But the 'doc' can't hear him. He's not awake to...

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