Chapter 8. His Turn To Listen.

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"V-vhat?" "Vhy do you have scars?" Heavy asks again. Medic laughs nervously and says," I do not know vhat jour-" Heavy looks at his friends arms to see they're there too. "They are everywhere," Heavy says," These cannot all be from fighting. They are not the correct shape." "Ve are in a var, Misha, of course it is," Medic argues. "Vhere did you get them?" Heavy asks, turning Medic around to look at him. "Novhere," Medic says, grabbing his shirt and putting it back on. "Somevhere," Heavy says. Medic doesn't look at him and instead focuses on buttoning up his shirt.

"Tell me, Ludwig. Vhere?" "Entschuldigung ich spreche kein Englisch," Medic says, trying to get past Heavy. (Sorry i do not speak English) "Skazhi mne, gde, seychas!" Heavy demands. (Tell me where, now!) Medic stops, eyes on the floor. "It happened a long time ago," Medic says. "Does not matter," Heavy says. "I don't vant to talk about it," Medic says quietly, still not looking at his taller friend. Heavy looks down at him sadly. He sighs and says,"Fine. Ve von't discuss it. But you can tell me anything." "I know I can, Misha. I just..." Medic puts his hands together, twiddling them nervously. "I do not like to dwell on ze past, ja?" Heavy nods, understandingly.

"Vell, I brought dinner," Heavy says. He walks over to the counter and takes the bowl from it. Then he walks back to his friend and hands him the bowl. "You might not tell me, but you vill eat." Medic sighs and takes it, saying," Fine." They both sit down and Heavy stays there to make sure the doctor eats. Once he is done, Heavy takes the bowl and says," Here." "Zhere's no need, I can-" "No. Let Heavy do it," Heavy says. He gives his friend a smile. Medic can't help but smile back at him.

"You sleep now, da? Sleep," Heavy says. Medic nods and Heavy leaves the room, bowl in hand. Medic sighs as soon as the door closes. He had to sleep now. He knew Heavy would come back to check. And if Medic even thought about locking the door Heavy would break them down. He has in the past. Du verdienst so einen Freund nicht, A voice in Medic's head said. (You do not deserve such a friend) Ach halt den Mund, Medic thought back. (Oh, shut up)

Medic sighed and went into his bedroom. He had a hard time sleeping that night. For the first time in years, his mind was on the past. Once he did sleep, it was filled with dreams of horrific events and a terrible past.

"Schmutzig. Widerlich. Genau wie Sie," he said. (Filthy. Disgusting. Just like them.) "Aber das sind sie nicht, Vater! Sie sind auch Menschen!" Ludwig said. (But they are not, father! They are people too!) "Pah!" His father said. He looked down to his son. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe how his son turned out. While he and his wife had blonde hair and blue eyes, his son was a mix. Black hair and blue eyes. Unnatural, the father thought. He thought his wife had cheated on him. That's why he killed her.

"Schmutzig!" His father cried again. (Filthy) He turned to his son and said,"Zieh dein Hemd aus, Junge." (Take your shirt off, boy) Ludwig's eyes widened. "Nein, bitte!" He cried. His father removed the belt from the wall. "Du wirst lernen, nicht mit mir zu streiten, Ludwig," he said. (You will learn not to argue with me, Ludwig) Tears brimmed in the boys eyes. He was only 10.

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